If youre not interested in life, then photography has no meaning

I am a perfectionist. When I take a picture...it's gotta be good.

A few photographers make a killing; the rest can't make a living.

I'm inviting the spirits into my photography. It's an act of God.

Everywhere I look and most of the time I look, I see photographs.

I was known as a 35-mm photographer with a view-camera mentality.

When we are given gifts, we must be quick and able to accept them.

Retire? Retire from What? Life? I will only retire when I am dead!

If the photographer is not a discoverer, then he is not an artist.

I've done a lot of commercial work. I'm the complete photographer.

I would like to become a better photographer. I'm working on that.

The camera is no more an instrument of preservation, the image is.

Photography is the easiest art, which perhaps makes it the hardest.

In a photograph a person’s eyes tell much, sometimes they tell all.

Poetry is when you make new things familiar and familiar things new

I find the single most valuable tool in my darkroom is my trash can

The subject matter is so much more important than the photographer.

I do what feels natural, but I can't say I haven't thought about it.

I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed.

To be a photographer you must have something to say about the world.

Know - how is worthless unless guided by know - why and know - when.

I'm not a religious person. The language of photography is symbolic.

The way I see it, as soon as I make a piece I’ve lost control of it.

Of course, I won't be abandoning photography, because it is my life.

My job as a portrait photographer is to seduce, amuse and entertain.

The photographer both loots and preserves, denounces and consecrates.

The visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable.

If you're not your own severest critic, you are your own worst enemy.

The art is in selecting what is worthwhile to take the trouble about.

The photographer and the director are where reality and fantasy meet.

You are not a photographer because you are interested in photography.

My big dream was to work as a photographer for 'National Geographic.'

I think the most beautiful inventions are the ones you don't think of.

I am an amateur and I intend to stay that way for the rest of my life.

How do we know what we know? Is seeing believing? Is believing seeing?

Some speak of a return to nature, I wonder where they could have been?

I didn't decide to be a photographer; I just happened to fall into it.

Everything is shared by everything else; there are no discontinuities.

My dad was a photographer, so we had all these studio portraits of us.

I was a photographer. That's how I began my career, behind the camera.

a likeness different from the products of the God-fearing photographer.

To me, pictures are like blintzes - ya gotta get 'em while they're hot.

The picture is good or not from the moment it was caught in the camera.

I've thought of becoming a photographer! To save my talent as a writer.

I've always cared more about taking pictures than about the art market.

When gifts are given to me through my camera, I accept them graciously.

I hope to stay unemployed as a war photographer till the end of my life.

To photograph truthfully and effectively is to see beneath the surfaces.

My photographs are not pure: they are a seething wealth of imperfection.

All photographers have to do, is find and catch the story-telling moment.

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