There's nothing wrong with being a fashion photographer, but it's a bit limited.

You don't have to sort of enhance reality. There is nothing stranger than truth.

Photographs that transcend but do not deny their literal situation appeal to me.

I'm not a war photographer. I've always dealt with the consequences of conflict.

Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?

The people I work with, the people I photograph, become a kind of family for me.

To me a photograph is a page from life, and that being the case, it must be real.

Photographers have already photographed everything too many times, except cheese.

It is a rare photographer who can take a detached, cold-blooded view of his work.

I don't know who said 'pictures don't lie.' It couldn't have been a photographer.

Sometimes photographers mistake emotion for what makes a great street photograph.

Just because I use the photographic medium, that doesn't mean I'm a photographer.

I am a former economist. I never went to photography school to learn photography.

When you live with a photographer, you never have a day off - it was a nightmare.

The photographer hopes, in brief, to discover a tension so exact that it is peace.

Photographers can create moments that will never happen again but last a lifetime.

The photographer's art is a continuous discovery which requires patience and time.

Above all, I know that life for a photographer cannot be a matter of indifference.

Can you keep your balance? Can you see what and where you are at any given moment?

I've been a documentary photographer for much longer than I have been a filmmaker.

I used to be a photographer - and now I'm some kind of digital photographic artist.

It's not the photographer who makes the picture, but the person being photographed.

Everyone is a photographer now, remember. That's the great thing about photography.

I talk a lot about photography. It's cheap becuase my supply always exceeds demand.

One should not only photograph things for what they are but for what else they are.

If I already have a vision, my work is almost done. The rest is a technical problem.

It's one thing to make a beautiful thing; it's another thing to make a living thing.

Photographers are victims of paradox, tracking the impermanent to make it permanent.

The still must tease with the promise of a story the viewer of it itches to be told.

It takes asking many questions from many perspectives to truly understand something.

A mad, keen photographer needs to get out into the world and work and make mistakes.

You always end up with too many pictures to edit and too few that you feel 'got it'.

A photograph is worth a thousand words, provided it is accompanied by only ten words.

I never want people to be repulsed with my pictures; I always want to attract people.

I'm not very daring in my street style, usually because there's a photographer around!

If you don't have a camera, the best thing you can do is describe how great it looked.

Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter.

My father, an architectural photographer, was an incurable tinkerer, maker and mender.

I’m really just using the mirror to summon something I don’t even know until I see it.

I guess I've shot about 40,000 negatives and of these I have about 800 pictures I like.

Photographers undervalue the use of a wastebasket in their pursuit of fine photography.

I never take photographs myself. I don’t feel like a photographer, more like a recycler

'The Gardener' is more than a marvellous collection of images by a master photographer.

As a photographer you enlarge or emphasize a certain moment, making it another reality.

You have to learn not only from your failures. You must also learn from your successes.

I have the same themes over and over again. How I'm saying it keeps changing or growing.

I'm a writer and a photographer - I'm totally aware that doesn't always translate to TV.

Photographers should follow their own judgment, and not the fads and dictates of others.

For me photography has been a profession, an avocation. Now it has become a way of life.

Predators and prey always coexist. That's why we have galleries as well as photographers.

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