I built a fort when I was little, with pillows and blankets.

I didn't even know I needed throw pillows. That was always Brad's thing.

When we had the hurricanes - Hurricane Harvey - we gave 80,000 pillows down there.

There's nothing better than sinking into my feather pillows after a hard day's work.

I don't need to have three feather pillows in my trailer. I just don't work that way.

I've sold 46 million pillows and my customers' opinions are the only ones that matter to me.

For a while we lived in a tent we'd pitched inside his parents' house and we slept on pillows.

Most pillows are air supported; the air goes out of them, and then your cervical nerves get bent.

There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another dream.

The pleasure in lovers' gifts is that they are often covert and secretive, worn next to the skin, hidden under pillows.

When I dyed my hair red, the first week was traumatic because my pillows, my shower, my towels, my clothes and everything was red.

When you are alone and too tired even to turn on any of your devices, you let yourself linger in a past stacked among your pillows.

I don't make my bed. At the end of a day of going to construction sites, the last thing I want to do is move 10 pillows off the bed.

You can change the feel of your sofa by adding a thick, cozy throw and playing a couple of classic pillows off a more Moroccan-inspired one.

I always like my trailer or hotel room to have fresh flowers or pillows I find at a local flea market - anything to personalize the environment.

I sell bikinis. I sell comforters. I sell Cam'ron pillows. I sell a bunch of things off my likeness, and it all came from music, so it's definitely a blessing.

If we want to fight people in the world, we should fight them with pillows - pillows stuffed with food, medicine, music... That would be so much cheaper than bombs.

What does good in bed mean to me? When I'm sick and I stay home from school propped up with lots of pillows watching TV and my mom brings me soup - that's good in bed.

My favorite room in the house is the living room. We have two big couches, six recliners and over 20 pillows. It's a really comfortable place to hang out with my family.

I sleep on my stomach with my head under a bunch of pillows so if someone wants to come in and try to kill me they can't tell if I'm there or not, so they'll just leave.

I would advise everyone to have a travel drawer. Mine contains adaptors, ear plugs, blow-up pillows for the plane, travel health books, disposable cameras, a first aid kit and torches.

Without a dog, I would have tassels on my throw pillows instead of little stubs of yarn that look like small worms. The pillows seem to function just fine without the tassels, so perhaps it isn't a problem.

The rugs that I picked out and the pillows with the little owls, sort of like whimsical throw pillows - I feel like you can never enough whimsical throw pillows in your house, in your life. My husband probably disagrees.

There's very little about being in a functional-M.R.I. scanner that is natural: you are flat on your back, absolutely still, with your head immobilized by pillows and straps. The scanner makes a dreadful din, which headphones barely muffle.

I said, I don't want to paint things like Picasso's women and Matisse's odalisques lying on couches with pillows. I don't want to paint people. I want to paint something I have never seen before. I don't want to make what I'm looking at. I want the fragments.

There are so many ways to decorate small spaces. One of my favorite things is throw pillows. They can add so much color to your room. You can have the same bedding for years and just switch out the throw pillows, and it looks like you have a completely new bed.

I read The Bell Jar, and then I read her memoir and her diaries, and a third book, an outside opinion. Just the way she made the pillows so neat on the oven door. It just seems to be the opposite of, if you're going to take your life, in a horrible rage it happens.

The beauty of a Moroccan riad is undeniable, but even the most die-hard fan may find herself growing a little weary of what can come to feel like a one-size-fits-all aesthetic: tilework, white Berber rugs, woolen tribal throw pillows in reds and ochers, cut-metal lanterns.

The very best hotel I've stayed in is the Intercontinental on Park Lane. We went there for the Chelsea Flower Show a few years ago, and it was sheer luxury. Everybody had a smile on their face. I came home and changed all my pillows because the hotel ones were so beautiful.

I knew that alpaca wool, with its cashmere-soft weave, had been transformed into cuddly knick-knacks ranging from pillows to teddy bears. But through selective breeding over the past 6,000 years, alpacas have so diverged from their llama cousins as to become quite different animals.

When we were kids, we couldn't wait to have our own rooms, not to have to share anymore. And that is what I love about having my own bedroom. It is mine. My sleep is mine. Both pillows are mine. If I wake up, it is me who has woken me up... It makes me feel like a grown-up. I love it.

Up to the age of five, I wanted to be a builder. My neighbour, a builder called Paddy White, would come in for a cup of tea with my mother. I'd assemble all the pillows together at interesting angles, thinking he would spot my talent at a raw young age and take me on as an apprentice.

There are simple, small things you can do that really will impact the space. Things like changing out your curtain panels to something that adds a fresh new feel. Or maybe a smart pattern. Also swapping out an area rug, throws and pillows can be done in no time, and really have a dramatic effect.

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