I am a political animal.

Man is by nature a political animal.

My father was not a political animal.

I'm not a politician or political animal.

I'm not a political animal, I'm a curious animal.

Churchill was the canny political animal, very devious, bursting with energy and determination, learning as hard as he could.

People close to me personally, politically, have expressed frustration that I'm not the political animal that they wish that I were.

I'm setting the record straight - Chuck Schumer is nothing but a political animal who symbolizes all that's wrong with American politics.

The very things that I would love about Barack and that you would love about Barack is that he is one of us. He's a normal guy. He's not a political animal.

The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal, not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society.

I was not a political animal; I could not toady up to the committee men, pour drinks down their necks at the bar, and make them feel important. I was too focused on the cricket.

A building that has great environmental responsibility is a political animal in a way because it becomes promotional of a cause. I think that kind of advocacy through architecture is really good.

I love books, I love art, I'm a fanatic nature and wildlife person. People assume I'm a political animal, power hungry, wanting to run for office. And anyone who knows me knows that none of that's true.

Pablo really felt the suffering of people and so became a political animal. But he wanted to bring down extradition because this was the only thing he feared, and it became his obsession, his crusade, his cross.

I'm not really a political animal but I am rather fascinated by the meltdown of England and America. In the end, it seems as if America might come out of it, but I'm not sure if England is ever going to recover.

At first, you can play into the naivete that people think you have because you don't dress well. They almost give you the benefit of the doubt. But when success comes, that's no longer a good angle, so now you're 'a political animal.'

I'm very concerned with what's going on the news, but I would not call myself a political animal, per se. I pay more attention during election years, or if I see some topic or issue that I care about. But I would never call myself a political animal or political junkie.

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