The political climate during a campaign is not the best climate for reasonable debate.

As long as the wrong people hold power, how can the right political climate even arise?

Even with the right political climate, would the wrong people refrain from doing the wrong thing?

I learned that fighting on the chess board could also have an impact on the political climate in the country.

Without a unified political climate of opinion, there is little or no political profit in doing the right thing.

I don't know that a political climate - as long as it's still a free country - makes much difference in the film world.

Nuclear tests poison the environment - and they also poison the political climate. They breed mistrust, isolation and fear.

Clothes are a big part of a free society, I think, and what you wear is so indicative of the political climate you're living in.

There will always be a measure of calculated risk-taking in manufacturing fame, especially in a deeply divided political climate.

I was getting so down on social media because of the political climate and everything on Twitter was so toxic that I wanted off of it.

Art should not be a tool of politics, but sometimes art can help make the political climate more open and help society become more free.

I want to start thinking about other people and the political climate. I can't sit here and write an album about myself. It just feels wrong.

It appears that President Obama is making great progress on climate change, he is changing the political climate in the country back to Republican.

I do know in the 1960s comics, Martian Manhunter took on the form of a black man - that could have been influenced by the political climate back then.

Judging the political climate in my state by walking around lefty Ann Arbor is like a polar bear judging global warming by staring at the ice cube beneath its feet.

Following the missile crisis, detente started to gain ground between the United States and the Soviet Union, so the international political climate improved after that.

I think tolerance is something everybody needs to be reminded of, especially in a reactionary political world. Well, actually, I should say, a reactionary political climate.

The civil rights movement was very important in my house, and then Vietnam was very important 'cause there were two boys, so I came of age during a very heated political climate.

Something happened during the 1980s - perhaps the political climate of that time - that caused me to ask how a people would become part of a system that oppresses their own people.

While mainstream media is led by profit, ratings and popularist culture and filtered by the current political climate, Alternative Media is lead solely by the convictions of the campaign and film maker.

There's only one way we're going to change our political climate and ensure we establish some respect in our discourse. And that is to show there is a real price to pay for being a disrespectful partisan idiot.

I'm not the kind of writer who's able to block out the world around me. I'm mindful of our own haves and have-nots, how our culture often blames and punishes the have-nots. I worry about our precarious economic and political climate.

I began to think that there was a place for 'Footloose' to get retold again, that there was actually a more conducive political climate, an emotional climate to explore a town that has experienced a trauma and a shock, and starts overreacting.

The wrong people will do everything in their power to guarantee that the wrong political climate will continue. It seems, then, that the wrong people ensure the wrong political climate and the wrong political climate ensures the wrong people. How then to break free of this vicious circle?

This political climate today reminds me of what my father must have gone through in 1942, when the winds of war and fires of hate were surrounding him. We have a candidate for the presidency of the United States, Donald Trump, using the same rhetoric that my father must have heard from elected officials.

The counterculture has nothing to do with Dolce & Gabbana having a 'Hippy Summer' or something. Street kids, and kids who want to live in any sort of counter-cultural experience other than what's being presented by the mainstream media or political climate, or 'normal' cultural climate, are never going to look like that.

The social and political climate came from discussions about how we could find conflict in the wake of a 100-year-long war ending. But as we know in the real world, just because a war ends it doesn't mean that everything turns happy and peaceful. That provided us with some new kinds of conflict for us to explore in 'Korra.'

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