Avoid pornography at all costs!

Rock and roll is the new pornography.

I have a huge problem with pornography.

there is no pornography without a secrecy.

Pornography is a satire on human pretensions.

Pornography supplies the only really safe sex.

One man's pornography is another man's theology.

it's possible to be pro-sex and anti-pornography.

All pornography is to a degree sadistic - inevitably.

I don't like to degrade women, but I like pornography.

Meaning is like pornography, you know it when you see it.

It's just gossip, you know. Gossip is the new pornography.

Pornography is about dominance. Erotica is about mutuality.

Anti-Catholicism has always been the pornography of the Puritan.

What pornography is really about, ultimately, isn't sex but death.

It's pornography for me only when it involves violence or children.

Like an electric tea-kettle, pornography comes to a boil very fast.

It is not pornography that is obscene, it is hunger that is obscene.

I stay away from the internet as much as I can. Except for pornography.

At the heart of pornography is sexuality haunted by its own disappearance.

How do I know pornography depraves and corrupts? It depraves and corrupts me

I am saying pornography hurts anyone who reads it -- garbage in, garbage out.

Intelligence is like pornography. I can't define it, but I know if when I see it.

If pornography is part of your sexuality, then you have no right to your sexuality.

War is, after all, the universal perversion ... war stories, the pornography of war.

Pornography, then, educates the male public. It would be very surprising if it did not.

That's the ultimate pornography. There's nothing more pornographic than glorifying war.

The closeups of pornography make human genitals look like undiscovered prehistoric animals.

I deplore the pornography and all of the immoral degenerate things that are happening in the USA.

Experiences aren't pornographic; only images and representations - structures of the imagination - are.

... the place we assign to pornography depends on the goals we set for our own consciousness, our own experience.

No one shuts their laptop after looking at pornography and says, 'What a productive time I just spent connecting with the world!'

Erotica is simply high-class pornography; better produced, better conceived, better executed, better packaged, designed for a better class of consumer.

I have to admit to you, I am the person who's done probably the least analysis on the selfie, because it's a bit like pornography for me. It's this masturbatory, repetitive act that I'd rather wasn't part of my routine.

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