Thank God for the Bible, the Word of God.

You can save a lot of time waiting on God.

It is praiseworthy even to attempt a great action.

..Science is changing. God's Word does not change!

Though the power be wanting, yet the wish is praiseworthy.

It is a great happiness to be praised of them that are most praise-worthy.

It's always embarrassing when somebody does something praiseworthy of you.

It is praiseworthy when you give not only to your power but beyond your power.

Our women's union members and other women are really excellent and praiseworthy.

And the Bible is not primarily a book of history. It is "His story," the story of God.

There are four kinds of Homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy.

Truth of a modest sort I can promise you, and also sincerity. That complete, praiseworthy sincerity which, while it delivers one into the hands of one's enemies, is as likely as not to embroil one with one's friends.

Let us not listen to those who think we ought to be angry with our enemies, and who believe this to be great and manly. Nothing is so praiseworthy, nothing so clearly shows a great and noble soul, as clemency and readiness to forgive.

Of all the ways of acquiring books, writing them oneself is regarded as the most praiseworthy method. Writers are really people who write books not because they are poor, but because they are dissatisfied with the books which they could buy but do not like.

Illness and problems are the specialties of life. But the death of a child is a cause of mental agony which can be overcome if one concedes this world to be a stage or stadium wherein praiseworthy are those who are not proud of their achievement and those who do not cry at their defeat.

It will always be considered a praiseworthy undertaking to urge the most obstinate and incredulous to abide by the principles that impel men to live in society. There are, therefore, three distinct classes of vice and virtue: the religious, the natural, and the political. These three classes should never be in contradiction with one another.

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