All really interesting girls invent themselves.

The writer's room is a really interesting place to be.

The only really interesting questions are the unanswerable ones.

The universe is a really interesting place. I couldn't live anywhere else.

Theres not a lot out there, and what is out there has to be really interesting to make me want to leave my life, which is really precious to me.

I have considered the directing, actually. Not so much the writing. That is not really interesting, but the directing is really interesting to me.

As I've grown as a person and gotten to know myself more - the question of how someone becomes who they become has gotten really interesting to me.

Agendas in general don't work. The agenda is a thing that is perpetually destroyed. But through that destruction, something really interesting comes up.

Someone said something really interesting the other day they said, "Even documentaries aren't what happened," you know there's a huge jump between life and then putting something in a two hour movie, even if it's a documentary.

What makes autocorrect really interesting for a lexicographer is we read in a very weird way. A lot of times we'll catch things that are so clearly autocorrect typos, and you learn to tell the difference between an honest-to-goodness, ham-fisted typo and an autocorrect typo because the latter will not necessarily be a difference of one letter apart on the keyboard, which is usually what typos are, or it won't be the wrong its or the wrong there.

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