Marriage is not a reform school.

Marriage is not a reform school.

Remorse begets reform.

To innovate is not to reform.

Reform, that we may preserve.

Reform, that we may preserve.

Reform is not a one-night stand.

Reform is born of need, not pity.

We cannot reform our forefathers.

Every reformation ruins somebody.

Truth reforms as well as informs.

Reform is not a period of retreat.

Reform is Chinas second revolution.

Reform is China's second revolution.

True repentance also involves reform.

I'm for tax reform, not tax increases.

Reform is a process, and not an event.

What we need is fundamental tax reform.

True repentance always involves reform.

Tax reform should happen rather quickly.

Self-reform is the only kind that works.

Every reform was once a private opinion.

I'm largely in favor of financial reform.

It is a dangerous thing to reform anyone.

Reform, like charity, must begin at home.

You do not reform a world by ignoring it.

Lord, reform Thy world, beginning with me.

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.

The reform of government needs to continue.

We will have health care reform in America.

Reform is 'the biggest dividend' for China.

The lunatic fringe in all reform movements.

There is no history of how bad became better.

Moral reform is the effort to throw off sleep.

In politics, reform never comes before crisis.

My desolation does begin to make A better life.

It always takes a scandal to bring about reform.

The Democratic Party is not the party of reform.

To live a better life,--this surely can be done.

Tax reform is a once-in-a-generation opportunity.

Fool, nothing is impossible in Russia but reform.

It is important that we enact immigration reform.

Tax (reform) is ultimately a decision about values.

Input of public judgement for any major tax reform.

The issue I highlight in the book is welfare reform.

it is better to inspire a reform than to enforce it.

All reform except a moral one will prove unavailing.

The best social reform program in the world is a job.

Self-reform automatically brings about social reform.

We reform others unconsciously when we walk uprightly.

The people in Poland had to deal with painful reforms.

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