I am a restless person.

I am a restless person.

I'm a restless kind of guy.

The creative mind is restless.

If you desire, you are restless.

Restless sunflower; cease to move.

I'm just a restless soul musically.

Boredom makes me sleepy or restless.

A ruffled mind makes a restless pillow.

Restless at home, and ever prone to range.

Talented people are restless at their core.

I'm as restless as a willow in a windstorm.

Our heart is restless until it rests in You.

I am a restless soul hungry perhaps wretched.

I don't feel restless, I just like to travel.

Man is a restless creature, nomadic at heart.

A restless vitality wells up as we approach 30.

I was very restless, but finally I found my way.

Time flies on restless pinions - constant never.

I have always been restless, had a lot of energy.

I got a restless mentality, I got to move around.

I travel all the time. I'm very restless you know.

I have been restless for as long as I can remember.

We live on a restless planet in a violent universe.

Jazz is restless. It won't stay put & it never will.

Waiting makes me restless. When I'm ready, I'm ready.

When I did 'Restless,' I felt that was a stepping stone.

With battlements that on their restless fronts Bore stars.

I never wanted to he just a housewife. I was too restless.

I cannot sleep - great joy is as restless as great sorrow.

The more I get used to my life, the more restless I become.

'The Young and the Restless' is my favorite television show.

I think I'm pretty calm. But I am very restless and fidgety.

Restless' was cool. I wish I had more time to put it together.

The universe was born restless and has never since been still.

Humans are driven by a perpetual and restless desire of power.

I am restless like my father and do two-three things at a time.

I need a coaching job in the NBA. I'm restless and I need money.

I'm restless and wildI fall, but I tryI need someone to understand.

In most marriages, there is a contented partner and a restless one.

I thank my personal staff for their restless sacrifice for my work.

I get restless very easily; I don't like to do the same thing twice.

I was just restless with being in school; so I went out to Los Angeles.

Success flourishes only in perseverance ceaseless, restless perseverance.

Heaven is a place of restless activity, the abode of never-tiring thought.

There is something about a closet that makes a skeleton terribly restless.

Low-cost gear can make restless people like myself feel marginally happier.

My restless, roaming spirit would not allow me to remain at home very long.

The unorganized mind will always be restless until its content is reordered.

There is no mortal truly wise and restless at once; wisdom is the repose of minds.

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