I don't give any gifts to the rich.

Diamonds are the tears of the poor.

He who knows he has enough is rich.

Giving is the business of the rich.

It costs a lot of money to be rich.

... frugality makes a poor man rich.

I will be rich or I will die trying.

I'm rich, freakin' rich. It's crazy.

The very rich only admire themselves

You breathe better when you're rich.

Being rich and thin isn't everything.

Look for a sweet person. Forget rich.

Riches do not make one rich but busy.

Riches seldom make their owners rich.

The rich will always betray the poor.

Money has never yet made anyone rich.

Youre a rich man, why arent you smart?

You can't get rich unless you EN-rich.

We are rich only through what we give.

Rich could play way better than Krupa.

Blood is the god of war's rich livery.

I think the word rich is all relative.

Hee is rich enough that wants nothing.

To know you have enough is to be rich.

You can never be too rich or too thin.

Solitude is rich but seldom hilarious.

I am rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

Rich people are poor people with money.

I don''t wanna be rich, just live good.

Nature herself makes the wise man rich.

If we are so rich, why aren't we happy?

You're rich if you've had a meal today.

I'm not poor, but I'm not rich, either.

I am rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

The beauty of me is that I'm very rich.

Hee that gets out of debt, growes rich.

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

A poore mans Cow dies a rich mans child.

You can't get rich sitting on the bench.

I don't wanna get rich - just live good.

When you're rich you don't write checks.

I set out to work hard, not to get rich.

I don't invest in rich kids' businesses.

It seems there are no rich on death row.

Good Lord, how can the rich bear to die?

The man who dies rich, dies in disgrace.

You don't come into cooking to get rich.

Rich Aurelia was my favorite growing up.

No just person ever became quickly rich.

In my opinion, every rich man is a miser.

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