Taurus and Sagittarius do not get along.

I'm a Sagittarius. We need things done now.

Turquoise is my birthstone; Im a Sagittarius.

Turquoise is my birthstone; I'm a Sagittarius.

I'm definitely a Sagittarius. I'm such a fire sign.

I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical.

The reason I like Sagittarius is because they're like an Aquarius in a fire sign.

I'm a Sagittarius, and one of our major qualities is that we're blindly optimistic.

I'm a Sagittarius, born in the year of the rat, all of which is basically meaningless to me.

I'm a Sagittarius and I love adventure and new beginnings, new experiences, because it makes me feel like I'm living.

I happen to be a Sagittarius. That means we pull back the bow, we aim and fire at our target, and we aim to hit our target.

I had difficult mother, difficult childhood like she had. She is Sagittarius like I am. I almost died from broken heart because of love. And she really did.

People suit their star sign. If someone is annoying me over and over, and I know they're a Sagittarius, say, I'm more likely to forgive them. It comes down to my need for structure as a way of finding my bearings with people.

If you want to see a black hole tonight, tonight just look in the direction of Sagittarius, the constellation. That's the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and there's a raging black hole at the very center of that constellation that holds the galaxy together.

Things I am allergic to: people who believe in star signs and think nothing of starting a conversation with: 'Hi, my name's Lucy. I'm a Sagittarius;' rodents (apart from miniature hamsters, which are not in fact rodents but small, breathing, brown balls of cotton wool); and people who go to the gym.

I have spent a lot of time studying the issue of relationships, how I grew up, my parents' influence on me. I've talked to a therapist,; I've looked inward spiritually at myself, and what it seems to come down to is that I'm a Sagittarius. Please don't make me reveal more than that. It's tough enough as it is.

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