merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again

Salutations; it's just my fancy way of saying hello or good morning

Saying hello doesn't have an ROI. It's about building relationships.

Try saying hello to someone who wouldn't expect you to - today would be good.

Saying hello to something new means saying good-bye to something old and loved.

You never know what kind of impact you can have on someone by just saying hello.

Charisma is not just saying hello. It's dropping what you're doing to say hello.

If the postman is saying hello to you, then I feel like, wow, thats something special.

Keep saying hello to people. They will be the differentiator for you for the rest of your life.

A friend had commented once that Neal had a gift for making someone want to punch him just for saying hello.

When I meet my fans, it's not like meeting a stranger. It's like saying hello to someone that I already know.

As with email, the recipient of a texted question seems to have the option to ignore it, while nevertheless saying hello, lovely day, and so on.

I get that we can't be together. And it's not like I'm so weak-willed that the simple act of saying hello to me will cause me to jump your bones in the hall.

I think we've all been in the middle of doing something we cared about, when someone coming in the room and saying 'hello' was annoying. I personally can understand that, as someone who tries to create.

I teach students that what people say about failure in politics is mostly wrong. People always told me, 'They'll praise you on your way up and kick you on your way down.' That wasn't my experience. I can't walk down the street in Toronto without someone coming up and saying hello.

It's easy to get depressed and think, "Well, what's the point?" But it's the same as, "Well, we're all going to die, so what's the point in brushing my teeth or even saying hello to anyone or obeying traffic lights." You can do that, but that's certainly not going to take you anywhere.

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