Pure and simple, balance is happiness.

My mission is healing, pure and simple.

Simple, not easy. There's a difference.

The complex develops out of the simple.

It takes a long time to make it simple.

You can never get enough of 'Jeopardy.'

It's all about sound. It's that simple.

Hawaiian music is beautiful and simple.

My life is a very simple life thank you

It is simple, therefore it is beautiful

The important things are always simple.

The strongest logos tell simple stories.

Life isn't always easy, but it's simple.

Almost all exploits are simple mistakes.

The simplest things are often the truest.

Management is simple, innovation is hard.

Life for my child is simple, and is good.

God is simple, everything else is complex

It's stupid to have a simple-minded view.

The simple things can be really powerful.

I follow my nose. It’s as simple as that.

The truth is never pure and rarely simple.

A simple I love you means more than money.

Making something simple is very difficult.

This problem, once solved, will be simple.

The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

I love you," you said, simple as anything.

Simple dreams are the hardest to come true

I find pleasure in things that are simple.

Keep it simple, keep it sexy, keep it sad.

The truth is rarely true and never simple.

Nothing is true, but that which is simple.

The joy sometimes is in the simple beauty.

I just look better in simple black things.

Do what makes you happy! It's that simple.

Writing has never been that simple for me.

Live simply that others might simply live.

There is no simple answer to what I think.

It's simple until you make it complicated.

Sometimes love really is just that simple.

Excess and deficiency are equally at fault.

How simple and frugal a thing is happiness.

Really, I'm just a simple girl from Jersey.

Things are simple when you're going to die.

Only great minds can afford a simple style.

The genius is in making the complex simple.

A sailor's joys are as simple as a child's.

We need not want what we are the middle of.

Tea is the only simple pleasure left to us.

Life was simple when you were a Shield Bug.

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