I've been with some great teams and had good wins and great success at certain periods of time in my career.

I think with my journey so far, it never felt like an overwhelming, overnight success story. I think that's good for me because I really got to take my time.

We're full all the time. And people do have good success and I think one of the programs at the center, the Continuing Care, helps them with their success. Because it's difficult the first year.

I'm spoiled - in all ways. I've been in a rock 'n' roll band since I was 13, and we had incredible success. When it ended, it had been so good that I just looked at it as time to try something different.

Start-up success is not a consequence of good genes or being in the right place at the right time. Success can be engineered by following the right process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught.

When I was playing with the Truckers, a lot of really good things happened. And we had a good trajectory for a long time. For that kind of a band, for the kind of music that I've always made, we had a lot of success, I think.

When I was an actor, I worked with lots of men who had a bit of success early on, who were very good looking, who suddenly made a bit of money and who felt no embarrassment - and nor should they have done - about having a good time.

I think if you want to become a great football player, professional, you must give all the time one hundred percent, you must work hard - to be lucky is a good thing - but if you work hard and you give everything you will have great success.

I can still remember the time when some City fans thought it would be a good idea if I bought the club. I don't know how much money they thought I had - but I certainly don't think we'd be enjoying the success that we are under Sheikh Mansour.

I'm just immensely proud of my brother for tackling both the big job of doing 'Riverdale,' which is a lot of hours and has had, like, a lot of success, and also at the same time not losing sight of his passions like photography, which he's very good at.

When you grow up in the music industry, trying to be Britney Spears because that's what sells records and then you realize, 'All I have to do is be myself? I should have thought of that a long time ago,' it feels good to have success come from what's actually inside of you.

With 'Believe' bringing really big success for me outside of the U.K. for the first time, it meant I have been touring around the world and that led to a gap from the studio. I really feel like the gap has done me the world of good. Throughout that time I was able to collect songs that I really loved.

I was working for a chef a long time ago who told me to not skip steps or be in a hurry. Success in a kitchen is more like a marathon and less like a sprint. Rising up the ranks too quickly isn't necessarily a good thing. This advice was from a guy who was sorry he had done that and didn't want me to do the same.

I've made game-winners, I've missed game-winners. I've pitched shutouts, and I've given up 10 runs. You just deal with the experiences and learn how to get over the bad outings and learn from them, so they don't occur time and time again. You take what you did right from the good games and turn those into, 'How do I repeat that success?'

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