When you live in hysteria, people start thinking emotionally.

I have to get out once a week and speak with people or I start thinking I'm the emperor of Abyssinia.

If people really, really like what we make, 10 minutes after we upload it, we start thinking about new videos.

When a movie becomes very successful, it's automatic that people will start thinking a sequel, a prequel, a quel-quel.

The moment you start thinking about what other people and other artists think, you're going to start writing like other people.

The minute you hear the word 'share,' you start thinking Twitter and Facebook. These are the places that people can very quickly share something they've just discovered.

If it happens, I'll be proud, and it would be a dream come true, though I doubt I ever thought I'd be a Hall of Famer when I started. It wasn't until late in my career that people started to mention it, and you start thinking about it a little bit.

When people start thinking of you more as a persona, they are less inclined to allow you to move into different areas. Sometimes they're wrong. Sometimes they're just very stereotypical or restricted in their own thinking of what they'll allow you to do.

I start looking for adjectives in news reporting, and if there are too many of them, if they're all sort of repeatedly designed to influence my thinking in a certain way, I start getting concerned. I'm leery of people trying to paint a picture in a certain way.

Provocative... I used to be defensive about it, but in the end, I realised it's exactly right. It's what we're trying to do - to provoke thought and discussion and, you know, shake people up to start thinking about things in a different way. I'm interested in messing with what they think is the norm.

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