Every time France has the chance of doing something big in the world of sport, it always carries it off well.

I'm always like the guy who wants to date the pretty girl so bad, and when he finally gets the chance, he blows it because he spends too much time worrying about it.

If someone is always to blame, if every time something goes wrong someone has to be punished, people quickly stop taking risks. Without risks, there can't be breakthroughs.

I realized that improvisers should probably always have time off. But musicians are always gigging and never have a chance to stop for a minute - unless something drastic occurs.

I always believed I could win the election. After I won the primary, people started telling me, 'No one thought you had a chance.' I was like, 'Really?' I thought I could win the whole time.

I always wanted to play with Kobe Bryant. I used to tease him all the time. Every time I was a free agent, I was like, 'What's up, bro? You got a chance to get the pit that you need. You feel me? This is your chance.'

A lot of guys get out of wrestling immediately after winning a gold medal. Every time another Olympics comes around, it's always a bunch of fresh faces. For me, to win an Olympic gold and have a chance to win another would be huge for our sport.

I always believe a woman should have 5 non-negotiables that she should stick to when attracting a mate. If the guy does not have these five major things - then she should not give the guy a chance as she's wasting her time. The rest is up to the magic and wiggle room the universe gives.

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