It's never too late to be great.

High school wrestling is awesome.

I've had matches that were close.

I'm not going to sit on my laurels.

There's no excuse for losing for me.

I will never step foot in the Octagon

That's my job: work hard, win, and inspire.

It's harder to be a dad than an Olympic champion.

Does anyone in the UFC actually follow the rules?

When your silent, people recognize your greatness.

Every year I win, everything I do, it cements my legacy.

Believe it or not, my goal was always to play in the NFL.

I listen to a lot of TED talks and motivational speakers.

I think every athlete is afraid for their career to be over.

My one and only focus at the Olympic Games is to win a gold medal.

I don't describe myself as a nationalist, but I do love my country.

I love kids - they're so carefree and always put a smile on my face.

If you come from Jersey, you're tough. You've been through the grind.

If I wrestle in 2020, I want it to be my own decision and not the IOC's.

I want to make sure that everyone benefits from my success, not just me.

I think I'm a crossover athlete to get the sport into the mainstream media.

John Smith from Oklahoma State was the greatest American wrestler of all time.

We have a lot of wrestling fans out there just looking for a star to cheer for.

I want to be the guy who our sport looks up to, and win multiple championships.

Discipline, focus, endurance is what it takes to be the greatest at this sport.

The worst thing for me would be going back to where I was - relative obscurity.

I missed a lot of important milestones in my children's lives to pursue this sport.

I think that Ben Askren, when he competed as a wrestler, he was an amazing athlete.

I enjoy wrestling. I enjoy the sport. I get to go against the world's best athletes.

I'm getting older. That's realistic. I can't reverse time. I can slow it down a little bit.

Nebraska and Indiana were really the only Division One schools that expressed any interest in me.

You know what's cooler than being the richest guy in the room? Being the toughest guy in the room.

I think every young man's goal is to be a professional athlete, whether it's the NBA, MLB, or the NFL.

I think the ultimate sign of an icon or legend in any sport is the ability to elevate their teammates.

The difference between the greats and the legends is their ability to focus for longer periods of time.

Anything less than gold is a failure to me. It's extreme pressure, but I hold myself to a high standard.

I think a lot of guys get out of wrestling for financial incentive to go to the UFC, but I'm doing well.

I love the sport of wrestling because it's a testament of your will and what you're capable of as a man.

I'm so comfortable in my identity as a wrestler that if I never fought, it would never bother me one bit.

There was a time period where I was obsessed with the rivalry between the Lakers and the Celtics in the 1980s.

To get better you have to step out of your comfort zone. You can't do the same things you've always done & improve.

I like movies with superheroes - one of my favorite movies of all time was 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.'

When I was growing up, I was a big Ultimate Warrior fan; I liked Macho Man Randy Savage and a lot of other bad dudes.

I approach every match with that mindset, that this guy is trying to beat you, and it will change his life if he does.

I know that stress on me mentally and physically will only help me improve not only as a human being but as a wrestler.

I think Americans, as a nation and culture, once something is recognized for a week or two, people kind of forget about.

I have never been affected by terror, but here in Iran, I have never felt any ill will toward me - the opposite, actually.

I think my mental toughness, athleticism, and my physical prowess, I'd be successful if I decided to fight, no matter what.

Wrestling is different than MMA or boxing or really any other contact sport in that you can't really draw along an opponent.

It's become a lot bigger than just winning championships. It's about inspiring hopefully millions at some point in my career.

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