Throughout high school and even my only season in college, a lot of people have been doubting me, saying I can't do this, do that, and I'm too small, but at the same time, I just focus on me and the team.

You know, unfortunately I'm only one person. I can't really be in two places at one time and the amount of focus that I need to put into Slipknot makes it really difficult for me to be on tour with Stone Sour.

I really like using the softening cream. It helps me go out there with confidence to do what I need to do, and at the same time, it's very functional and helps keep the hair out of my mouth so I can focus on pitching.

I actually started modelling when I was about eight years old, and then, when I went to high school, I stopped to concentrate on schoolwork because I was in an accelerated program, so it was just really time for me to sit down and focus on my studies.

My sister taught me addition and subtraction and multiplication and division, so by the time I got to school, I knew it all, and when we'd do the times tables, I was just focused on doing it faster than anybody else. I already had the information, so it just got me to focus on excellence.

There was a time when I thought dudes had friendship all figured out. The focus on eating things in front of giant screens, pretending to punch one another, competing over who can utter the grossest and most profane personal insults imaginable - this struck me as the very apex of human social exchange.

I learn my lines in a few different ways. A lot of my dialogue sticks with me in a general sort of way when I read the entire script for the first or second time. Then, when I get the shooting schedule, I have a better idea of what scenes are shooting when. I then will focus on those that are coming up first.

Ideas are the easy part. I spend a lot of time batting them away, trying to keep them from distracting me from what I actually have to focus on and finish. A lot of times, they are a siren temptress beckoning me with the promise of a much shorter, simpler, more slender novel over the horizon, but of course that's very dangerous.

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