I'm glad I came to Palace because I am getting the game time I wanted. I am also learning to fight with some good players.

When you take the time to understand why your parents did the things they did, you stand a good chance of learning more about your own behavior.

I had to spend a few years learning how to do movies. I wasn't really good at that. I was a theatre actor first and foremost. So I took my time learning that.

Spending time at the Federal Reserve was a good learning opportunity for me. It helped me to understand economic philosophies and polices that I had not previously known about.

For me, if the words are good on the page, the rest of it comes from spending some time with the script, and not like you're learning lines but absorbing what the script has to offer.

People who stay unemployed for a long time start to look like damaged goods, and they don't get such good offers. Also, they're not learning anything. Most learning is on-the-job learning.

I have a very efficient team that takes care of my time. But yes it is very tough to do so many things. I am not there yet. I am still learning. It is a pleasure to do so many things. The challenge is to be good at everything.

All of us just go to college and waste our time and to pass our exams. So just learning journalism does not mean I'm good at it or any of the journalists are, either. There is no difference; it's just class, and it's just college.

So I studied a lot with the balloon, and in learning how to sing with other musicians and keep in time - that's all by touch. A lot of that I feel in my body, and growing up with hearing I have pretty good muscle memory, and I was born with near perfect pitch.

I spend a good deal of time doing, for anxiety what's known as exposure therapy where basically you're supposed to confront things that cause you anxiety and learn to tolerate. It's all about learning to tolerate discomfort rather that avoiding anything that might make you feel uncomfortable.

It's good for people to be able to see an archive of an artist learning how to write and getting better, especially for teenagers who are starting to write: to see that I started out making pretty easy and weird and bad-sounding music and that you can teach yourself how to write over a long period of time.

Being a good race car driver is one thing, but to take all the time commitments and all the pushing and pulling and learning when to say no - because you need to rest or focus on the things you need to do to make the car go fast - those are the hardest things to learn and the most distracting things to learn.

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