I don't usually have time for TV. When I get home at night, I just want to fall asleep.

My husband and I try to spend some time every night that I'm home talking without distractions.

When I get home at night, then it's time for the real cleansing deal. I go to town either with the Clarisonic or ProActiv.

I'm in New York a lot. And every time I'm in New York, I'm out every night - it's a bit much. After a week, I'm ready to go home.

I was a total nerd growing up. I'd rather sit home and read a novel on New Year's Eve and say, 'Wow, I read the whole thing in one night!' That was my idea of a big time.

We're all concerned about the budget. We're all concerned about what's happening financially in our country. There's no question about it. Congress is working day and night. In fact, every time I go home the lights are on at the top of the Capitol.

Our parents were very strict. Not in a brutal or awful way, but there were definite rules, such as after six on a school night you didn't go out, and at weekends you had to be home by a certain time. It wasn't particularly sheltered, but we were well brought-up.

I do not enjoy being away from Richmond, my friends of a lifetime, and my home... I do not enjoy working 6 days a week and almost every night at a time when I had planned to be tapering off. There are compensations which appeal to any lawyer who is proud of his profession. The Supreme Court is an awesome place.

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