Every goal for me is to be a leader on the court every time I step on the court.

Every time you think a negative thought, it's one step in the wrong direction, for me.

I guess, for me, the ultimate goal is to help me team win games every time I step on the field.

I'm glad people get excited watching me play. Hopefully I show them something new each time I step on the court.

I take my time to do things and I never plan in advance. It's one step at a time for me. I'd like to stick to that.

Running doesn't come easy to me, especially the first thirty or so minutes. My message is take it one step at a time.

Every time I step on stage an' see all of the lights or hear fans singing the words to my songs ,it's a surreal moment for me.

I've never looked at my career as something that I was striving to get to one position or another. For me, it was one step at a time.

This is the time for me to step out and show that I don't just want to play the nice guy roles, and I think I'll find out what my limits are.

With the general availability of Windows 8/RT and Surface, I have decided it is time for me to take a step back from my responsibilities at Microsoft.

Anytime that me and the guys go out on the road, it's fun to step away from the craziness of what it is we do. I just enjoy that time being outside with my buddies.

I couldn't ask for better parents. I keep that at the forefront of whatever I do, and every time I feel like I can't take another step, I see their faces, and that drives me.

For me, I always try and deliver. Regardless of the situation, I always try and play hard every time I step out on the court. If I don't deliver and play well, then I know I haven't been working hard enough.

'Phase' is a special song to me, and I wanted the video to make you feel like you are on a journey with me. My team and I shot this video three different times, and every time I got it back, I wanted to go a step further.

At the time I was asked if I would ever step back in a race car, but what was very important for me was to go into the bathroom and pee on my own, but I could not do that. I had to be helped. That was my number one priority.

I think one of the things that the people, the fans, know about me is that every time I step in the ring, I give everything I have to entertain everyone that's spent their hard-earned dollars on a ticket for a WWE event. I think that's apparent.

If you look at the first TV stuff I did years ago, I've a pretty chubby look about me. I went at it quite hard in the gym at the time. If any footage of me ever came out from those days, I would genuinely die. I did step aerobics to lose the weight, and then I literally ran and ran the weight off on a treadmill.

When the time is right I have a laugh and a joke with my friends on a day off, but I have had to make sacrifices, and in that sense it's been a huge step forward, completely different to how it was before. I was 18 when the manager spoke to me. I realised I'm not like any other teenager. I can't be doing stuff any other 18 or 19-year-old was doing.

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