They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it?

For me, like anyone, you want to go into a movie and have an enjoyable time where you're just involved.

There was a time where I chose my jobs based on what jobs were available to me, so I would choose 100 percent of them.

The cover I was really excited about was 'Seventeen' magazine. To me, it was much bigger than 'Time.' 'Seventeen' was where I wanted to be.

There was a time where I thought I could only date vegans. I was wrong because I was missing the fact that somebody should be right for me first, instead of just having similar values.

I knew I wanted to be an actor when I was very young. I guess I was about 6 years old at the time, and I was fascinated by television. I started having waking fantasies where I was in a movie and there were crane shots of me during a scene.

I worked at a job where 90 percent of my coworkers were Spanish-speaking, and some of them were only Spanish-speaking. My rule was if someone came into the office needing something - I worked in HR at the time - they had to bring a Spanish word to teach me. That was the deal.

There was a period of time where the two most wanted guys in the state of Oklahoma were me and Josh Heupel. Me for suggesting that you could throw the ball at Oklahoma and in the Big 12. And Josh Heupel for having the temerity to play quarterback and not be able to run faster than 5 flat.

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