History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the ...

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

Chess is not for timid souls.

Timid salesmen have skinny kids.

I was always quiet and even timid.

Necessity makes even the timid brave.

To the timid soul, nothing is possible.

I didn't marry someone timid and conservative.

Our State Department is often wrong and timid.

I'm actually very timid and nonconfrontational.

I'm always shy and timid when I write in front of people.

I'm timid. But not on the court, at least, I try not to be.

The publishing world is very timid. Readers are much braver.

The timid man calls himself cautious, the sordid man thrifty.

I was always extremely determined, but I was also quite timid.

I'm a girly girl. I'm strong, but I'm very timid. Very dainty.

Messi is a star in every sense. He is not as timid as he seems.

I'm less genial than people think, but I'm too timid to seem nasty.

His voice leads us not into timid discipleship but into bold witness.

I used to be a very timid person, unable to express what I was feeling.

To the timid and hesitating everything is impossible because it seems so.

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.

It's hard to imagine anyone accusing Lionel Shriver of being a timid writer.

Normally, people think of Asian women as timid, but I think I'm very strong.

Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.

I grew up really timid, anxious kid, and I never really had to stand up for myself.

When I'm playing timid and afraid to make a mistake, then I'm not going to play well.

Most people perceive moderates as timid middle-of-the-roaders who can't take a stand.

The ferocious inroads of the Normans scared many weak and timid persons into servitude.

A winner rebukes and forgives; a loser is too timid to rebuke and too petty to forgive.

Support the strong, give courage to the timid, remind the indifferent, and warn the opposed.

Twilight, a timid, fawn, went glimmering by, and Night, the dark-blue hunter, followed fast.

It is well known that Beauty does not look with a good grace on the timid advances of Humour.

Being gay and coming up in New Orleans was not easy. At first I was very terrified and very timid.

A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.

I do like a healthy dose of adrenalin, but my character is more rounded. I am not timid; I like excitement.

It is so conceited and timid to be ashamed of one's mistakes. Of course they are mistakes. Go on to the next.

The best leaders don't set timid and selfish goals but instead set bold targets that may be harder to achieve.

The pitcher has to find out if the hitter is timid, and if he is timid, he has to remind the hitter he's timid.

At first, I am a bit timid, but when I know people I feel better. Then I give a real impression of Joao Moutinho.

I was timid and frightened as a child. Yours truly did not shin up mountains or do any other kind of adventurous stuff.

I was picked on because I was timid. I had younger sisters; I couldn't turn to them for help. I didn't have an older brother.

I never want to play timid or scared of anything, especially when my pitcher or my teammates are out there going 100 percent.

For the timid, change is frightening; for the comfortable, change is threatening; but for the confident, change is opportunity.

I've always wanted to explore different types of roles and prove to others that Divyanka is not all about being a timid dulhan.

I was a timid little guy when I was a kid. I used humor as a defense; I became the class clown. But deep inside, I felt real vulnerable.

For a long time, I thought I was ugly and disfigured. This made me shy and timid, and I often reacted to insults that were not intended.

Courage enlarges, cowardice diminishes resources. In desperate straits the fears of the timid aggravate the dangers that imperil the brave.

At the first rumors of war, timid investors in various government stock, being panic-stricken, sell out, to their loss and the gamblers' gain.

Everyone's so timid and afraid to insult anybody, but in the end, it's like we're all trying to please everyone. In the end, we please no one.

In Minneapolis, we believe in connection, not alienation. We believe in compassion, not indifference. We believe in love, but we are not timid.

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