I always travel with a cashmere blanket - I take it everywhere with me!

When I travel, I always have about 40 pairs of skis with me, plus a ski technician and a ski coach.

I feel like I've always wanted to live in one place and stay in one place, but I always end up choosing things that make me travel.

I travel with seaweed chips, edamame chips, tea, peanut butter, avocados. I always take my supplements with me because they're easy to carry.

Being a Muslim is very important to me, more important than anything, although sometimes travel makes it difficult for me to always pray when I want to.

I was always very determined and ambitious, and I knew I would do something that would let me travel and stuff, but I didn't know really know what I would do to get there.

For me, drag has always been about being someone younger kids can look up to, or even older kids can look up to as well, and I want to continue to tour and travel and entertain.

I've always traveled, as a kid my parents moved me around, a different place in Germany every four years. But I got the travel bug when I was a kid, living in different countries.

Modeling stuff is cool - obviously you get to travel and wear cool clothes, take cool pictures, meet cool people - but for me, acting is a lot more creatively fulfilling, so I've always put it first.

I travel with a lot of clothes, which is a really bad idea because it's such a nightmare to travel. I always overpack because I like to bring things with me, and I accumulate stuff, so it piles up. I travel with everything I own.

The travel that I've spent around the country, I always come back with ideas for L.A. and vice versa: My experiences in L.A. give me an immediacy to issues that sometimes people in Washington think about but aren't experiencing every day.

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