Here's my whole marketing idea: treat people the way you want to be treated.

It is easier to treat people as objects to be manipulated if you have never learned any other way to see them.

All people, regardless of whether they're athletes or not, should treat people the way they want to be treated.

I try to treat people the way I would like to be treated, but I can't worry about what everyone's going to think.

I don't court haters. I don't thrive on people not liking things that I do. I treat people the way I want to be treated.

I've always believed very, very strongly that the way you treat people is more important than anything, professionally or otherwise.

I've seen many of my contemporaries become superstars, and the way fame and fortune starts to really affect the way they treat other people, and I think it's ugly.

We should have a system of licensing and registration, we should treat firearms the same way that automobiles are treated so that people have to pass a safety test.

Everyone is now praying at the altar of every last dollar of profits to please shareholders. If you invest in your people and treat them well, it's a different way to increase profits.

I don't have the panic I used to have, meeting people who are androgynous, but when you meet someone whose identity is unclear, that throws your own identity into flux because the way we treat each other is very gendered.

If you know people with Type 2 diabetes, there's a high likelihood they will have different medication regimes and different lifestyle options. When we label all these various types as the same thing, we treat them the same way, and they should not be treated the same way.

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