You can be the best manager in the world, but if the players don't trust you, it will never work.

I'll go for the knockout, and if we have to go 12 rounds, then I'll trust the judges to do their best work, and I will get the victory if I deserve it.

It's definitely team work with my fashion career. The trick is to surround yourself with the best people, those whose opinions you really trust and value.

It's good to have a manager who shares your interests, or goals. You can presumably trust a husband. I don't know if it's the best way to work. I really shouldn't discuss this.

I have a great agency! It's definitely team work with my fashion career. The trick is to surround yourself with the best people, those whose opinions you really trust and value.

The great thing about a big studio movie is that you get to work with the best, the most talented craft people in the world. But you have to be able to communicate, trust, and empower everybody.

Ultimately, I've just got to keep playing football and try to do it the best I can and try to continue to be a high-level quarterback, and if I do that, trust that in the long run things will work out.

Some people assume I'm a spoilt trust fund kid who's never had to work for anything, while others think the best of me because of the good experience they had with my grandfather. It's difficult to digest the fact that they may never see me for who I am.

I feel I do my best work when it's all there on the page, and I feel that the character is very vivid as I read the script and I'm not having to create stuff and trying to cobble together something. If I have to do that, then I don't entirely trust what I'm doing.

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