There is in all artists a little of the vagabond.

Actors are rogues and vagabonds. Or they ought to be.

I am a fugitive and a vagabond, a sojourner seeking signs.

On tour I'm finding out that I am half gypsy, 40% vagabond, and 10 house cat.

Artist by nature, actor by instinct, poet by accident, and vagabond by choice.

A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two addresses is a libertine.

I'm a bit of a vagabond - a person who loses time and space because you don't know where you are.

In my experience, it is rarer to find a really happy person in a circle of millionaires than among vagabonds.

The Vagabond life is the logical life to lead if one seeks the intimate knowledge of the world we were seeking.

The graphic style itself is influenced by a lot of very layered and detailed comics that I read as a kid, like Vagabond by Takehiko Inoue.

As actors we're like these vagabond artists, we have to be invited to perform so if you don't have a choice of options its very hard to define yourself.

I felt like a rich vagabond who had passed through the world paving my way with gold fairy dust, then realizing too late that the path disintegrated as soon as I passed over it.

I'm a vagabond. I have a suitcase that is ready to go at a moment's notice. The thought of being in one place for a long time, or playing one character for a long time, is terrifying for me.

The way television works is that directors come in and out, and they're not there all the time, following every character through every scene. They're vagabonds who go from one show to another.

Let any stranger find mee so pleasant a county, such good way, large heath, three such places as Norwich, Yar. and Lin. in any county of England, and I'll bee once again a vagabond to visit them.

Most vagabonds i knowed don't ever want to find the culprit that remains the object of their long relentless quest. The obsession's in the chasing and not the apprehending, the pursuit you see and never the arrest" - Tom Waits "Foreign Affairs

The sentence of the first murderer was pronounced by the Supreme Judge of the universe. Was it death? No, it was life. 'A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth'; and 'Whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.

You are always in the world. Even in Vagabond. I am not on the road, I am not eating nothing. But in a way we all have a Mona. We all have inside ourselves a woman who walks alone on the road. In all women there is something in revolt that is not expressed.

We need to find another way or another shape or an allegory or something that tells us more. Even Vagabond - it was a fiction but it was really a documentary. I mean, it has the texture of documentary. Even if I made up every line, it has the texture of being true.

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