Who doesn't love Veronica Mars?

I love 'Gossip Girl'! I still miss 'Veronica Mars,' though.

I definitely look up to Veronica Roth, Suzanne Collins, and J.K. Rowling.

I advise all my novel students to write in the company of 'Veronica Mars.'

Honestly, it's been amazing to be a part of this journey on 'Veronica Mars.'

I started my career as a novelist. 'Veronica Mars' was first imagined as a novel.

Vivian Abenshushan and Veronica Gerber write brilliant books that defy generic conventions.

I think people expect me to dress a bit like Veronica from 'Shameless,' in vest tops and denim skirts.

Having gotten TV shows on the air, that's so much less work that trying to get the 'Veronica Mars' movie made.

In all seriousness, I'm flattered and humbled to have been asked to reprise my role as Luke in the 'Veronica Mars' movie.

I'm always excited to see my good buddy Richelle Mead. She cracks me up. I never get to see Veronica Roth enough, either.

Because the picture is called 'Veronica Guerin,' you expect a biopic. But it's really about the last two years of her life.

Trying to convince Warner Bros. to make a $30 million 'Veronica Mars' movie just wasn't going to happen, for understandable reasons.

My mother and my sisters - five girls - were crazy about glamour and Hollywood movies. I styled myself on Veronica Lake and Marlene Dietrich.

One reason I relate to 'Veronica Mars' fans is because I can totally geek out about shows. I mean, I write Vince Gilligan fan mail every year.

I know that any fan of 'Veronica Mars' is hardcore and loyal, so I give them the time; we spend time talking about it because it warrants that.

I'm not recognized very often, and if I am, it's a die-hard Veronica Mars fan. Which is usually flattering and an honor. I really try not to think about it.

In library science school, back in the years of glowing green non-graphical screens and protocols called Archie and Veronica, I wrote Internet documentation.

I had read the 'Wonder Woman' comic books when I was a child; I was much more interested in those than I was in 'Betty and Veronica,' even though I liked those as well.

'Veronica Mars' was my first job, and for some reason, my character changed her hairstyle halfway through the season from curly to - I don't even know why - suddenly straight.

I used the stormy gray and heather brown shadows from the Lilac Rose Eye Palette to create a soft smokey eye for Veronica Beard's Spring 2013 show. The look was dramatic but delicate.

I'd love to be on a show like 'ER.' Just watching it is like, 'Phew.' I loved watching 'Veronica Mars.' 'Buffy' was a big... I loved 'Buffy.' I would go out of my way to watch 'Buffy.'

The idea that Veronica Wadley has no artistic credibility is just crazy. She has a strong reputation and when she was editor of the 'Evening Standard' she was very highly regarded in the arts sector.

When I finished 'Cocktail,' it took me a very long time to get out of Veronica's mindspace, behaviour, and zone. I had to reconnect with who I am. It is a similar story with 'Bajirao Mastani.' Some films demand that.

I loved Veronica right off the bat. She was so strong and I think it is so important because there are so few shows that portray women, especially young women, as being strong and being able to stand up for themselves.

I love that there are so many 'Veronica Mars' fans. I was not a regular on the show. I was lucky enough to just come on. I loved the character. But, I never really realized the rabid fans that it had. I just didn't know.

'Mafiosa' was written by Veronica Russo. It's her first time making a film, and I'm really proud of her because this woman has a full-time job, and she decided one day, 'You know, I want to write a film, and I want to make it.'

I feel for Veronica Mars so much when I'm watching at home. It is a wonderful story. The writing is consistently funny, biting, charming, heart-wrenching, etc. I also like the look of it. The cinematography - different from any other show.

I think, as an actor, when you're starting off early in your career, you're kind of just seeing what lands. But 'Veronica Mars' definitely primed me to look for surprising, dynamic women. It took me awhile to realize how cool that job was.

In 'George Lopez', I played Veronica who's a bratty 18-year-old, and so I feel like it's much easier for me to play that because I feel like a late bloomer. It wasn't difficult or challenging at all because it's not like I haven't been a teenager.

'Divergent,' directed by Neil Burger, displayed an admirable seriousness and some grim verve in laying out the boundaries of novelist Veronica Roth's dystopia - six segregated but ostensibly harmonious regions defined by their inhabitants' skills.

I'm so... Honestly, it's been amazing to be a part of this journey on 'Veronica Mars.' Because I started out, really, with a word on the show. So it's kind of fun to look back and be like, 'Wow, I was basically an extra,' but not really - I had a little part.

For tech, I like the 'DailySearchCast', 'TWiT' and anything Veronica Belmont does on CNET. I think Perez Hilton is a riot, and the rest of my consumption is by people: Folks like Dave Winer, Fred Wilson, Mark Cuban, Brian Alvey, Jeff Jarvis, Xeni Jardin, etc.

I pushed myself way too hard during the first year of Veronica Mars and I got moody and run-down. Now I'll go to bed early instead of going out with friends. It's not always the most fun option, but I know I need at least eight hours of sleep to feel balanced.

I really like dating stories, like in Betty and Veronica comics; I like David Lynch and H.P. Lovecraft for the dark gut-wrenching stuff, and I'm inspired by Miyazaki's films for the subtle heart-warming moments, as well as the moments that blew up my imagination.

There are so few strong roles for women, especially young women. And Veronica is very serious but also very likable. She's a lone wolf, and it appeals to people that she isn't rich and doesn't have a lot of friends. No posse. She's just like you, like most of us.

Lana Turner was adorable and funny. Jimmy Stewart was such a nice person. I quickly realized that if you're not a nice person, you're not going to last in this business. I mean, once your box office starts to drop off, like Veronica Lake, they'll get rid of you fast.

Before 'Veronica Mars,' I was not, and probably am still not, much of a crime reader. My mom left out a copy of 'Helter Skelter' when I was 10, and I secretly read it, and then I spent all my teenage years afraid of hippies. I kept away from crime books for, like, ten years.

I remember, the first time I played a parent was - I did a guest spot on 'Veronica Mars,' and they were like, 'OK, and this is your daughter,' and there's this little girl standing there. And I remember thinking, 'OK, this is weird... I guess I'm old enough to have a daughter.'

In a weird way, 'Veronica Mars' was my reaction to 'Freaks and Geeks' because 'Freaks and Geeks' was the show I wanted to write, the one I wanted to create, where there was no gimmick; you didn't have to have a teenage private eye. It was just these beautiful small stories about real kids.

Doing 'Veronica Mars,' Rob Thomas is a genius. He's one of my best friends. I had this feeling like I couldn't write anything other than my stuff in Jersey and what we were talking about, like that little world, like if I can throw my Aunt Janice into it, I'm cool, but otherwise I'm screwed.

Although nannies who cover more than one generation are rare, those like Veronica Crook - who looked after me and now looks after my four children - are pearls of great price. They provide a continuity and stability for a family that is of inestimable value for the child and, indeed, the man.

My husband and I oddly have worked together a couple of times. We did a 'Veronica Mars' episode together. We didn't work together, but we were both in 'Ghost World.' We had a theater company in L.A., for a bunch of years. So, we've worked together a fair amount, and it's always just great fun.

The world domination plan goal is that I would love Veronica Mars to become a brand like Sherlock Holmes is a brand, like Nancy Drew, in a way, is a brand. When people start listing who are the great fictional detectives, I want Veronica Mars to make that list. That would be the dream scenario.

So when you go to a set and you just fully trust everybody, you know how hard everybody's working, you know that the people doing it are good and have such a strong vision - that's exactly my experience on 'New Girl,' and what my experience on 'Veronica Mars' was like. Everybody was just so great.

From Lady Carlisle's trip to Moscow in 1663 to Veronica Atkinson's tour of duty during the 1989 Romanian revolution, it is clear that very little has changed. Four hundred years of innovation, liberation, and improvement clearly bypassed the Foreign Office while making its rounds through Westminster.

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