Women are one and all a set of vultures.

Do you blame a vulture for perching over a carcass?

I'm a culture vulture, and I just want to experience it all.

Don't play dead with a vulture. That's exactly what they want.

Writers are also sort of like vultures, but with fewer ethics.

Hate is ravening vulture beaks descending on a place of skulls.

Elvis is bound to be dead. Look at all the vultures in his vicinity.

I eat like a vulture. Unfortunately the resemblance doesn't end there.

Fear the vulture and the vulture will come. Fear nothing and you are the vulture.

Fear the vulture, and the vulture will come. Fear nothing, and you are the vulture.

Doctinaires are the vultures of principle. They feed upon principle after it is dead.

Vultures are the most righteous of birds: they do not attack even the smallest living creature.

By the time I got to kindergarten, I was surprised to find out I was the only kid with a turkey vulture.

I started all over again on page 1, circling the 262 pages like a vulture looking for live flesh to scavenge.

It disturbs me no more to find men base, unjust, or selfish than to see apes mischievous, wolves savage, or the vulture ravenous.

My head was a desolate place and as barren as the bare hills of Le Marche. Until I began to build in it, only vultures nested there.

In 'True Grit,' we had a vulture, a trained vulture... that was a pain and that was - even by vulture standards - probably a stupid vulture, and that was frustrating.

In the country the darkness of night is friendly and familiar, but in a city, with its blaze of lights, it is unnatural, hostile and menacing. It is like a monstrous vulture that hovers, biding its time.

Many small business owners want to pass their family legacy on to their kids and grandkids, but they are turned over to vulture funds because the family may be asset rich but lacks the cash to pay the estate taxes. I have met people who literally sold the farm to pay the taxes.

It seems that it had been destined before that I should occupy myself so thoroughly with the vulture, for it comes to my mind as a very early memory, when I was still in the cradle, a vulture came down to me, he opened my mouth with his tail and struck me a few times with his tail against my lips.

The one term I don't like to be called is a 'vulture.' Because to me, a vulture is a kind of asset-stripper that eats dead flesh off the bones of a dead creature. Our bird should be the phoenix, the bird that reinvents itself, recreates itself from its ashes. And that's much closer to what it is that we really do.

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