We are our choices.

Hell is other people.

Acting is happy agony.

Words are loaded pistols.

Nothingness haunts Being.

Hell is for other people.

I am myself and I am here.

Life is a useless passion.

Man is condemned to be free

Existence is an imperfection.

Man must be invented each day

In love, one and one are one.

Existence is prior to essence.

This then is the age of reason.

Commitment is an act, not a word.

Hell is other people at breakfast.

Man is what he wills himself to be.

We do not judge the people we love.

My pessimism has never been flabby.

Man's existence precedes his essence

Because we can imagine, we are free.

Existence precedes and rules essence.

Introspection is always retrospection

What is not possible is not to choose.

The past is the luxury of proprietors.

You are -- your life, and nothing else.

An individual chooses and makes himself.

To choose not to choose is still to act.

To eat is to appropriate by destruction.

Life begins on the other side of despair.

your judgement judges you and defines you

I do not think therefore I am a moustache

I don't know. Everything. Living. Smoking.

God is absence. God is the solitude of man.

I said to myself, 'I want to die decently'.

It is disgusting -- Why must we have bodies?

I had spent my time counterfeiting eternity.

Some of these days, Oh, you'll miss me honey

I was a neophyte in another world [in 1954].

Is there really nothing, nothing left of me?

I considered calmly that I was born to write.

Better a good journalist than a poor assassin.

We must act out passion before we can feel it.

I hate victims who respect their executioners.

Photographs are not ideas. They give us ideas.

Death is a continuation of my life without me.

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.

Heroism is not to be won at the point of a pen.

I exist, that is all, and I find it nauseating.

It is always more valuable to report the truth.

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