I am happy. I have won many awards, but it is the national award that I was waiting for. This means everything to me.

There's a picture of me as a little girl, and I'm waiting to go onstage, and I am biting the last bit of nail I have left on my finger.

I always keep planning to go back to theatre but I am waiting for a challenging and meaningful role. I want it to be something that has not been done before and excite me enough to do it.

The first day I start shooting, I start having a recurring nightmare that every single night that I am lying in bed, and there is a film crew surrounding the bed, waiting for me to tell them what to do, and I don't quite know what movie I am supposed to be making.

When I lived in Knowle West, I must have been the same person I am now. It wasn't like someone came and sprinkled superstar dust on me. So that means all the kids who come from that kind of background can do what I'm doing. They're superstars just waiting to happen.

I confess that I am a messy, disorganized and impatient reader: if the book doesn't grab me in the first 40 pages, I abandon it. I have piles of half-read books waiting for me to get acute hepatitis or some other serious condition that would force me to rest so that I could read more.

I'm much better known in France and Germany and Spain than I am in the U.S. When I go to Russia, I get mobbed; I have groups of fans waiting for me out in the hotel lobby, waiting for me to come down off the elevator. In China, I almost got beat up because people were trying to get me to do a drawing for them.

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