This man belongs to me, I want him!

I want her back" I said "I want HIM back"~Charlie

God never seems to work at the speed that we want Him to.

A guy should be a guy. You don't want him to be too... shiny.

God may not be there when you want him but he is always on time.

I want more from David Beckham. I want him to improve on perfection.

You don't want him for a reason. You want him because he's your father.

You don't really think The Terminator exists, but you want him to exist.

Do i really want him dead? What i want... what i want is to have him back.

Dwelling on him would make him a bigger part of my life than I want him to be.

The Lord may not come when you want Him, but he's always going to be there on time.

I do have certain feelings. My feeling is that whoever is in charge, I want him out.

I want him to be happy. And I want you to be happy, too. Even if you can only find that happiness without me.

There is more to loving someone than just making yourself happy. You have to want him to be happier than you are.

When a poor man, hungry and unseeing because his eyesight is failing, grabs me and starts begging, I feel the Nazi in myself. I abhor this man, and I want him to keep his hands off me.

First I'm going to thank Don because when you thank your husband at the end of the speech they play him out with the music and I want him to know that everything I value most in our lives you've given me.

I wish my prose to be transparent—I don't want the reader to stumble over me; I want him to look through what I'm saying to what I'm describing. I don't want him ever to say, Oh, goodness, how nicely written this is. That would be a failure.

A John is different from a sucker. When you're with a sucker you're on alert all the time. You give him nothing. A sucker is just to be taken but a John is different. You give him what he pays for. When you're with him you enjoy yourself and you want him to enjoy himself too.

The irony is that while God doesn't need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don't really want Him most of the time. He treasures us and anticipates our departure from this earth to be with Him-and we wonder, indifferently, how much we have to do for Him to get by.

Yes. I was looking for Lettie. They were both very kind to me,” Percival said, “Even though they’d never seen me before. And Wizard Howl kept visiting to court Lettie. Lettie didn’t want him, and she asked me to bite him to get rid of him, until Howl suddenly began asking her about you and—“ “what?” he said, “ I know someone called sophie who looks a little like you.. And Lettie said, that’s my sister,’ without thinking,” Percival said. “ And she got terribly worried then, particularly as Howl went on asking about her sister.

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