I want us to invest in you.

God wants us to walk in the miraculous!

They [Democrats] don't even want us around.

We're entertainers, while people want us to be gods.

God wants us to know that when we have Him, we have everything.

I think God wants us to love Him more, not to love others less.

Perfection consists in doing His will, in being that which He wants us to be.

God doesn't expect the impossible from us. He wants us to expect the impossible from Him!

There's not a person on earth that God doesn't love, but God wants us to learn to love him back.

If there were a God he would want us to be better spirited than to take his word for everything.

God wants us to respond in wholehearted love because it is who He is and who He created us to be.

I want us all to fulfill our greatest potential. To find our calling, and summon the courage to live it.

God gave these ten laws for our good. He wants us to be our very best and to get the most that is possible our of life.

When we want to be something other than the thing God wants us to be, we must be wanting what, in fact, will not make us happy.

To me, success is when you can walk into Ralph's and buy anything you want. Ultimate success, however, is when Ralph can walk into you and buy anything he wants.

We need new cultural scripts. Women don't say what we want, and we don't say what we don't want. Unless we're reacting to a stranger, we generally aren't great at turning down someone's advance.

There is something infinitely better than doing a great thing for God, and the infinitely better thing is to be where God wants us to be, to do what God wants us to do, and to have no will apart from His.

The sovereign God wants to be loved for Himself and honoured for Himself, but that is only part of what He wants. The other part is that He wants us to know that when we have Him we have everything - we have all the rest.

Having a missile test is not the way for North Korea to sit down with the president Donald Trump, because he's absolutely not going to do it. And I can tell you, Kim Jong-un can sit there and say all the conditions he wants, until he meets our conditions, we're not sitting down with him.

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