I've always paid my own way, I've never lived off anyone.

I always knew the way in was Bruce Wayne. It wasn't Batman. It was never Batman. That was the key.

I could never understand the herd mentality. I have always fought to do things my way and have stuck to that.

It's always been my way to move about a little more horizontally. My career has never been like a shooting star.

I was always a bit concerned about purity of essence. I never wanted a job that might affect the way I wrote or thought.

My favorite characters are always the unpredictable ones, and with Domino, you literally never know which way the dice are going to roll.

Bass players are always the underdogs of the band, but I made sure that I was never viewed as one. I went out of my way to steal as much limelight as I could.

I've always dreamed of being a 'Burberry Girl', but know it'll never happen, because I'm not British. Still, you can't stop a girl from dreaming. And owning way too many Burberry coats!

I grew up as a Christian, and I always think of Jesus as someone right next to us, you know, someone really close, and I never actually saw that onscreen in a way that could be identified.

What I've always loved about faeries is the way that they, unlike so many other supernatural creatures, are not human and have never been human. They have different customs and different taboos, and woe to anyone who breaks them.

I put out my first song, 'The Other,' in 2015 just on Soundcloud. It was always my most popular song but never really went far in a mainstream way. Then, a couple years after it came out, I watched it go from 8 million to, like, 100 million.

Playing for England was always something I dreamt of and, of course, you then think of the captaincy. It was something I never thought I would be offered, especially after the way I started my career. But when it came along, I was very keen to have a go.

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