If you actually relax your vocal cords they actually work better.

I think, in general, it's better not to respond to reviews of your work.

The harder you work, the less mistakes you make. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your chances of winning.

You shouldn't just work on your jump shot. You should work on being a better person, a better teammate, and a better friend.

You can work hard to sharpen your talent, to get better at whatever it is that you do, and I think that's what it comes back to.

A worldly actor is a better actor. It sounds pretentious, but I think having these experiences can translate back into your work.

I am convinced that the better you know your mate off the pitch, the more you are able to work for him on it in uncomfortable situations.

I think most new writers are better off going with traditional publishers who will actually, at a minimum, edit your work, package it well, and market it for you.

I remember a period where my publisher said to me, 'Look, your historical work is selling much better than your contemporary work, so please give us more historicals.'

Make your work deeper and better than those before you, and eventually someone will notice. If you don't think the work is better than what you've seen, then go back until it is.

It's better to grow your employees, steer them into a place that they can learn and succeed, and want to work hard and be loyal, than to have a revolving door of employees. That's demoralizing.

After you work out, you have your dog with you. There's no better companion. You've got to have a friend. I didn't like opponents who had dogs with them. Because you know they had a little edge. They have a friend.

As a manager, the more consistent you are, the better off you are. It's easy to be up when things go well. When things don't go well, the players will follow your lead. So you have to be consistent and upbeat, which takes some work sometimes.

Cooking is in an honest profession where you cannot hide and let others do the work for you. You have to show up, work hard and prove you can do it faster and better. And find a mentor who will recognize your talent and push you in the right direction.

It used to be presumed that if you weren't at your desk working, you weren't working, But we said, 'Why can't we make a workplace where casual meetings are as important as working at your desk?' Sometimes that's where your better creative work happens.

It's only when a project or film doesn't work, that you think about what you could have done differently - whether you chose unwisely, or was there something in your application in that role, as an actor, as a director or as a producer, that you could have done better.

Even if somebody is maybe a little less qualified, you can bring them in, you can teach them, and it will also make your work better because you'll have different perspectives. Even if somebody is less talented, they're coming at it from a completely different perspective, and that helps your work.

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