The world is pretty messed up.

I get to live a privileged existence.

I really am not that hairy on my body. It's weird.

A crazy action only works if there's a great reaction.

I love Brody Stevens. He's one of my favorite stand-ups.

I'm not someone who shies away from darkness being funny.

I like being strange. I like being hyperbolic and surreal.

I love Adult Swim. They give you so much artistic freedom.

I'm Jewish, so it's like I'm not totally white. I'm, like, gray.

Jason Woliner and I have been longtime friends and collaborators.

I like to challenge the audience. I want people to feel discomfort.

Loss is a part of life, unfortunately, and you've got to just deal with it.

I look upon 'A Little Bit of Luck' as a very bizarre, happy, surreal memory.

We have to laugh at how hard life can be and how screwed up we can be at times.

I'm all for free speech, and I don't need my viewpoint to be the only viewpoint.

Comedy is about flaws anyway... There's a lot of humor in the dark areas of life.

Even the people who do great jokes, [it's] always coming out of a very real place.

Talking is not action. Don't just look at what you say. Look at how you socialize.

I don't hate oatmeal raisin, but it is the worst cookie. Profoundly disappointing.

I honestly don't see how anyone can view the GOP and the Right as anything but evil.

Deeper things, heavier things happen to you as you get older and makes you more open.

I've always been an actor, even when I was doing improv and my own version of stand up.

As far as making people feel less depressed, that, in and of itself, is a political act.

I love 'Seinfeld.' That was not alternative. You can't get more in mainstream than that.

I think that life is very dark at times and there are things that are very funny about that.

I've wanted to be a comedian since I was a kid, and my parents were very supportive of that.

Nobody wants to see a woman onscreen who is a wreck. That is pure, unadulterated, systemic misogyny.

I don't see how I ever could have thought that having an all-white crew for a special about race would be OK.

I'm not a stranger to depression and desperation. I can be kind of tortured but I do like to have a lot of fun.

It's actually just as cool to be on television as to be in a movie, and nobody's ashamed of this back and forth.

All of my favorite directors are coming from a singular perspective, and I think that's been very lacking in film.

At the end of the day, stand-up comedy is like acting when the audience are the other characters that I'm acting with.

I saw 'A Night at the Opera,' this Marx Brothers film, when I was, like, six years old. I just became obsessed, you know?

We live in a country whose government and many of its people support white supremacy and disintegration of basic human rights.

Really go out of your way to hire women, people of color, homosexuals, transgendered people - go out of your way to hire them.

Andrew Gurland is so precise and, again, such an amazing writer, but then he's also really honest with himself and what he is seeing.

I hate it when I see people texting at a show. And talking to each other. They're at a performance; they should respect the performer.

Use your imaginations, and use your empathy. If you don't do that, you're limiting yourself as an artist, and you're hurting the world.

I love Lars von Trier and Michael Haneke, but if I'm not in the right frame of mind to watch their work, I feel upset after watching it.

What a great way to make some money is just fine somebody $300 if their phone rings in the theatre. That'll make them remember to turn it off.

'Dinner' is completely scripted. There are some improv elements, but I'm not interested in pranking people. It's more like a play than standup.

I've never gone to a bachelor party, where I didn't, no matter how much I loved the people there, hate them so much for their disgusting behavior.

I'm an actor. I've always been an actor. I've always approached all my comedy as an actor. I don't really care about jokes either. I tire of jokes.

Gilbert Gottfried, I think, is just the most underappreciated comedian in the world. I think that he doesn't get enough credit for how funny he is.

What doesn't kill you, if you use it to make yourself stronger, then you will get stronger. But if you let it beat you down, then you will be weaker.

I'm not someone who shies away from darkness being funny. I think that life is very dark at times, and there are things that are very funny about that.

We have to laugh at how hard life can be and how screwed up we can be at times... It's a really freeing process when you're not hitting the jokes too hard.

I'm an obvious example of how everyone is spiraling out of control on the show and just trying to live life the best they can without destroying themselves.

I'm a straight white man - I have options, and I'm not blocked on a consistent basis when I wake up in the morning because of my race, sex, and orientation.

I think comedy is incredibly discriminated against. It is one of the most enjoyed yet most condescended art forms in the world. It's the same thing with hip-hop.

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