Wrestling is a business: the more promotions the better, more opportunities for wrestlers to work.

In my line of business, there's no better feeling than having a real nice work that you're really satisfied with.

The only way to get better is to wrestle better people and work with better guys; that's the only way to get better in our business.

I live by the business model that there is a better than, a less than, or a different than. Those are the three categories. I chose to be different than. The one that's different than will stand out with the proper work ethic.

When I've gone back to work, it's always with that sense of inevitability. That may be a complete delusion, but it's the one that I need to get out of bed and go about my business. That sense that I can't avoid this thing. I better just get on with it.

Newfangled online sites like 'Business Insider' and 'Huffington Post' built businesses they later sold for hundreds of millions of dollars by ripping off the work of more talented journalists and then playing Google's digitally native games better than the old fogeys ever could.

The more moral the people are in their business dealings, the less paperwork you need, the more handshakes you can have, the more the wheels of capitalism work better because there's trust in the marketplace. Business ethics is not a joke. And, in fact, I think most businesses that I've dealt with encourage exactly that type of behavior.

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