People don't work as hard as I do. They don't expect the same things out of the game that I do.

It has very little to do with my work, but if your image is not sexy enough, people won't listen. It's part of the game.

It was a privilege and an honor to work alongside Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Working with people at the top of their game was like a master class.

On 'Game of Thrones', the people that I've met, of the people behind the scenes, was not even a scratch of the vast crew that actually does work on that show.

I'm somebody that really locks in to play, and it's not easy to say hello to all the ushers and all the people who work around the team and then try to execute the game plan and beat the other team.

Just like every show has a tone, every show has different people on it playing different games. I don't say 'game' in a pejorative sense, I just mean, these are different stories that we tell ourselves when we go to work.

The way games are designed is you create a story, and then you create an obstacle course inside that story, and the player has to endure it to see more. So it's artificial. Game designers are so intensely worried about people getting bored that they pile on busy work for players to do.

For generations, Americans who aren't rich have been generous and admiring of their wealthy compatriots - want a country where people who work hard can succeed, where the same rules apply to everyone. They expect to have their own shot at getting rich. But increasingly, they are seeing that the game is rigged.

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