When you have a new government assume power, everyone, without exception, has to work for the benefit of the common good.

All I ever really work for is to be a really good engineer, a good producer, a good executive, good in the world of Beats. That's power to me.

We need to hold accountable anyone who has misused power, and put that power to work for the common good. That includes, but goes beyond, police reform.

It's been good and a nice chance to work with some great actors and actresses - Natalie Anderson, Jeff Hordley, Emma Atkins, Charley Webb and Dominic Power.

India, in particular, is looking to develop nuclear power for domestic, commercial use, and we should work with them. This is a good deal for both countries.

Is it good, bad, or neutral to recognize thematic patterns in your own work? When it comes to recurring themes, I'm of the mind that knowledge is probably not power, at least in terms of the work.

There are good reasons why we don't want everyone to learn nuclear physics, medicine or how financial markets work. Our entire modern project has been about delegating power over us to skilled people who want to do the work and be rewarded accordingly.

Every film for every actor is a make-or-break film. I believe every film has the power to break you or make you. So, an actor will treat every film like his last film. That's the way we need to work, and that's the way you can drum up that passion needed to do good work.

A lot of people think pitchers, and they just think throwing and that's where all the power comes from. It's really not. It starts from the ground up. If you have a strong base, the legs will actually do the work and build all the torque and power you need to throw. So if you have weak legs at the end of the year, that's not good.

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