Hackathons are an amazing way to engage the team, foster collaboration, and knock out great work.

I'll be singing with The Blind Boys of Alabama, which is a great joy to me. I've done some work with them before, and they truly are amazing.

Working with real wolves has been exhilarating. They're so amazing. They're these beautiful, brilliant animals and they're great to work with.

Walking is great because it's an amazing exercise, and it also helps to clear your head and relieve any built-up stress before the work day begins.

You have to strike a balance between imprinting the film with your voice, and trusting these amazing, talented people you've hired to do great work.

Bringing exercise bands, ankle weights, and a jump rope is a great way to work out while you're traveling. You can find amazing workout videos online to help with your training.

There's no denying for me that 'Emmerdale' is an amazing place to work. I've got so much to be grateful for. Over the years it's given me a great sense of purpose and a real sense of belonging.

I landed a job at HBO, working for two years on the 'The Alzheimer's Project,' which aired in May 2009. I was fortunate to work with a great mentor, producer John Hoffman, and the amazing doc filmmaker Susan Froemke.

Working with people like Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis is such a blessing because I've watched them a great deal. I grew up with 'Friends' and always aspired to work with someone from that cast. Jason is just such an amazing comedian.

I've had such an amazing opportunity to work on so many different types of projects that continued on to Broadway. Unfortunately I didn't always continue on with them. Still, you know, I always had such a great pride in kind of helping the authors and directors create the show.

I was offered seven deals from seven different major labels between 2009-2011, and to be quite honest... nowadays, you need a hit record, a great radio team, an amazing PR firm, social media, a big budget, a team that is ready to work extremely hard, and the drive and passion to win!

We start 'The Butler' in June and that's incredibly exciting for me because I get to work with the amazing Forest Whitaker again. It's a phenomenal script and a great, great role - I play his son. Oprah Winfrey is his wife and my mother. My character is a radical civil rights activist.

'Westworld' is going to be incredible, and the production line is amazing. That was really nice because Lisa Nolan, who is in charge there, is fabulous and is a great example of a woman doing that role. So that was great, and she's amazing - an incredible writer and fantastic to work with.

When I was in architecture school, I became curious about the exact mathematics, physics, and construction of the great structures I had been studying. I wanted to know how these amazing things would work: the Pantheon, the dome of Michelangelo, the dome of Brunelleschi. So I decided to study civil engineering.

I have a bad reputation in England, and I don't know why. Maybe it's something that has just followed me. But one thing I always say is that 90% of the people I've played with would say I'm an amazing guy, a great teammate. Other people, those who work on the gate at every stadium I've played at, will tell you I am a humble guy and a nice person.

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