Irony is a great tool to deal with things. It's an intellectualization, a way to go above things, which can work.

Practical gifts are another great way to be thoughtful, and they work for anything from birthdays to dinner-party gifts.

It would have been great to have had 10 victories and been in the playoffs and have gone all the way and then said, 'Goodbye,' but it didn't work out that way.

I'm very privy to the way bookstores work, and I think a lot about the ecosystem that my books have been published in. I think it's great to be aware of how publishing works.

Putin probably, almost certainly, thinks that one of the great disasters of the 20th century was the demise of the Soviet Union. It's very obvious that he's trying to work its way back and maintain something similar to that sort of institution.

There's no way that I could do a 9 to 5 job. There's no way. I was not cut out for that. You come in and you work for three months on the one job. They say, 'Great,' you know, and you're on to the next one - and you never even got fired. It's wonderful.

On both sides of my family, my grandparents grew up in total poverty and came to California during the Great Depression. The only way they were able to work their way out of that was by joining the military, which is how they both went on to be able to go to college.

As an arts journalist in London, working mainly for the BBC, I interviewed hundreds if not thousands of authors. From them I gleaned a great deal of passing instruction in writing and I observed one fascinating detail: no two writers approach their work - physically - in the same way.

LaRon Landry, a safety, is in incredible physical condition - really impressive. Also Anthony Castonzo, the left tackle - I'm very impressed with him. He really sets a great example for how to stay in shape - not only during the off-season but throughout the season, which can be a struggle because of the rhythm of the way things work.

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