It will work. I am a marketing genius.

I will work on Invincible until I am made to quit.

If I am comfortable doing work in a certain way, then I will do it my way with conviction.

I am going to oblige all my TV commitments, and if films work out, I will make a graceful exit.

I am confident that the vast majority of teachers will work with us towards achieving that goal.

I am not a person to quit. If something needs harder work then I will put my head down and do it.

Even though I will never be evicted again, I am haunted by those times and still work relentlessly.

I am not someone who will pick just any role in order to work. I want to attempt different characters.

I am ready and prepared to work with the President, but I will not be a rubber stamp for any president.

Thierry Henry is Thierry Henry. I still have everything to prove. By continuing to work, I will try to reach his level, but I am still very far off.

I am flying back to New York as I write this. I will never forget these wonderful 35 days and I would go back to Copenhagen in a heartbeat to work there again.

Sometimes the times were dark and the outlook was lonesome, but where there is a will, there is a way. I pitched in and dug at my work until now I am where I am.

I am committed to doing everything I can to represent the priorities of all Mississippians, and will continue to work to advance the needs of our state and the nation.

I am a person beset with fears, and one of my fears is that this thing that I will be writing for five years won't work. And the likelihood, of course, is that it won't - and that's fine.

The tactics we were able to use in the 1960s, 1970s - let's have a campaign, mobilize everybody and, therefore, social pressure - stop littering, or stop spitting, or be courteous to one another: I am not sure that kind of approach will work anymore.

I am honored to have heard from so many voters, supporters, and local elected officials who have been pleased with the work I have done on their behalf. They want and deserve a leader who will aggressively pursue strong conservative policies and get results. That's exactly what I have done.

I've found that in fiction - and this is just the kind of writer I am - I can't really work from an outline. I have a vague idea of the characters at the beginning of the book, and then I have a vague idea of whatever the end of the book will be, but I can't approach creative nonfiction like that.

Positive psychology is not remotely intended to replace therapy or pharmacology. So when depressed, anxious or in panic or post-traumatic stress disorder, I am all for therapies that will work. Positive psychology is another arrow in the quiver of public policy and psychology through which we can raise wellbeing above zero.

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