I write the way I write.

Only nothing is impossible.

Face front, true believers!

I think evil is very relative.

This is the end of our sentence

I was an actor in New York, dude.

Comics are primal, down and dirty.

Wives should be kissed - not heard.

Abandon the 'I', because it's a lie.

Laugh and the world laughs with you!

The metaphors exist for the stories.

I'm not a guy who gets inspirations.

Punisher is scary; he should be scary.

Who needs girls when you've got comics?

It's just, it's fun to stay in the game.

You can't kill a good comic book series.

I guess one person can make a difference.

The first light had cast the first shadow.

I'm a writer. I just love telling stories.

I have no clan, nor any rank. I am unique.

Don't you get it? We are The Walking Dead!

Superheroes? In New York? Give me a break!

Superman has always been a battle for hope.

Reading is very good. And you can quote me!

The metaphor is the story, not the character.

It's no secret that I love the Ultimate line.

If you like Powers, you'll love The Victories!

I never look at things again once they're done.

I think there's a yin and a yang to everything.

I love 'The Omen,' just as a piece of plotting.

I don't presume to think I'm great at anything.

Chaykin's Shadow is a modern legend at his best.

Life is never completely without its challenges.

Comic books to me are fairy tales for grown-ups.

A bullet in the right place can change the world.

Comics don't work without the visuals, obviously.

I will work on Invincible until I am made to quit.

Comming from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

My relationship with Marvel is that I work for them.

I'd love to do something else for Avatar after this.

One cannot grow beauty in the soil of hate and pain.

Sometimes it’s only madness that makes us what we are.

I'm sick to death of the way the Big Two treat people.

It's too theatrical not to express yourself constantly.

Your capacity to grow determines your capacity to lead.

If I'm grumpy I sure do enjoy writing The Walking Dead.

I make a lot more off the trades and Image than Marvel.

When I was a kid, my favorite superhero was Robin Hood.

The interior of our skulls contains a portal to infinity.

Obviously my best strategy is to wait, listen, and learn.

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