I don't really look around and say, 'I've made it.' I just look around and think how fortunate I am to work with the people I'm working with.

If I am looking at my work as an actor after having directed, I'm able to look at things in a much more technical way. There's no question about that.

Some people may say my curved panels look like sails. Well, I am a sailor, so I guess I probably do use that metaphor in my work - though not consciously.

When I look back, I think I could have done this scene or that better. I am not satisfied with my work at all. I think I could have done better. I am never satisfied.

Shah Rukh is very supportive of my work. Not only him but my kids also support me. They do come to my store, look into every piece that I have designed and I am doing. They are very involved and totally support me.

Berlin was the first, the very first to give me an award. I am eternally grateful to them. It sits on my desk - the Silver Bear. All the others are stored away. It's the only one I look at. It watches me while I work.

If I feel the role is not going to demand anything out of me, I don't do it. Either it has to be a terrific role, or the director has to be someone I am dying to work with. Or the costar has to be someone I really look up to.

I am short, so even if there are things that I like, or like on other people, I have to be aware that sometimes that won't work on me because I'm not 5'10. It has to have a shape for my body; otherwise, I look like I am two inches tall. I have to wear things that skim my body more closely than a runway model would.

Every person is different and unique. I am a female. I'm Indian. I'm 4'11". People should never be defined by what they look like and sort of these demographical parts about them, but the most important thing is the work you do, so females are just as capable as doing that as males, and the same thing with any other person out there.

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