It's almost charity work, what people have done, turning other people on to my music.

Just to know that someone who's 15 years old is listening to my music and the work that I've done - it's definitely a blessing.

I don't listen to music when I write. If I do, I usually end up giving it my whole attention, which means, unfortunately, I don't get much work done!

When the movie's done, you talk about either the score or source music over a particular scene, what might work. You just throw a piece of music over the scene, and we both listen to it.

The biggest misconception people have about me is that I'm a chancer and they think I'm lucky! They don't realise that I have actually earned it, because I have worked with so many bands. That's all I've ever done is work in music.

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I loved the Rolling Stones. I heard a little bit of country music creeping around the edges of some of their songs. Being a Mississippi kid, I could feel they had done their homework, even when I was a little boy. I could feel the Delta blues influence in a lot of their work.

I don't really look at the charts at all. If anything, I try to out-do what I've done before. I try to make music that I like and I trust my own judgement with what will work with a wider audience. If you compare yourself to the charts, you lose perspective on what you're doing and why you're doing it.

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