You can never really judge your work because once it's done, it's done.

It's incredibly hard to get meaningful work done when your workday has been shredded into work moments.

I don't know if you've ever shown anyone your work before you're done with it, but it can be very uncomfortable.

I do a project and then I forget about it because the release of whatever work you have done is not in your hand.

If you're interested in the job and in the kind of work that's done, you have to have an interest in who's going to fill your shoes.

Blackbeard is probably the most infamous pirate who ever lived. He's one of those characters for which most of your work is done before you start.

If your work is done on the phone, then surely you can set up some kind of wireless system. If your work involves reading or writing reports, then this too could be done outside.

I've acted with all types, I've directed all types. What you want to understand, as a director, is what actors have to offer. They'll get at it however they get at it. If you can understand that, you can get your work done.

You have to think that the answer - and the right answer - for you and your organization might not be something that's been done before. And it's up to you to discover and work with your team to form and figure out how to do successfully.

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