Confidence is preparation in action.

3-D is a truly exciting possibility.

My obligation is to the movie audiences.

There are creative benefits to getting older.

My wife and I invest very, very conservatively.

I would do a documentary about Jay-Z. Yes, I would.

As a documentarian, you think, 'Follow your curiosity.'

I always think of the good comebacks on the car ride home.

I've been around the 'Star Wars' universe from the beginning.

I really liked the 'Pitch Black' DVD, and I liked the commentary.

You're always a little surprised when something really takes off.

I don't want to only make the movies that studios will greenlight.

Let me be clear: neither I nor 'Angels & Demons' are anti-Catholic.

The first movie I did that was inspired by true events was 'Apollo 13.'

A long time ago, I stopped trying to look at projects as genre exercises.

Nobody can compare themselves to what The Beatles went through. It was wild.

You reach a point where you say you're not going to do juveniles any longer.

Even when you're 22 and you feel immortal, you know in your heart you're not.

I do really like serio-comic movies that treat real difficulties in a real way.

There is something inherently tough about Americans. They will not accept defeat.

I'm excited about what technology is offering storytellers and movie- and TV-makers.

From when I was a young boy, I wanted to be the first person to direct a movie at 100.

Death can be experienced once, winning maybe more, but losing can happen all the time.

Outside of his loving family, I'm sure that Andy Griffith was Don Knotts' greatest fan.

I acted as a kid. I always liked it, but I don't really have a performer's personality.

With 'Apollo 13,' I wasn't sure the genre would work, because space films hadn't done that well.

I just don't think of myself as an actor much at all, so I don't lust after any particular roles.

Sometimes there's something very comforting about a film unfolding more or less as you expect it to.

If I had to choose between a great acting job and a good directing job, I'd choose the directing job.

I'm lucky in a lot of ways. And in my family life, my home life, is where I count myself the luckiest.

I've always been interested in the Depression as this very dramatic pivotal period in American history.

I don't look ahead to the future as a vast, endless one. I've begun to feel the calendar pages turning.

It was always hard to find stories that I felt were, in and of themselves, fresh enough and intriguing enough .

I think it gets overused and tossed around in ways that aren't true. Every impressive achievement is not genius.

I don't believe in perfection, but those acrimony-free gaps during our family holidays can be downright blissful.

I want to work. I'd be unsatisfied if I couldn't be pursuing this. But I love my family more. This is really life.

The regrets I have are strong enough that I wouldn't share 'em. I think that you can't live without suffering some.

If you're not out there taking some risks, if you're just coasting along with your wins, then you're not really trying.

Being a president is an impossible job - it's naive to think someone can do the job and not bend the law here and there.

My brother's a blast to direct; he's one of those great characters who brings so much to every scene he's in, and we're pals.

Humor is unavoidable. It might not feel funny in the moment, but more often than not there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

I didn't really listen to music when I was doing homework or when I - when I work on a script. I tend to drift to NPR and news.

I'd rather risk confusion and stay creatively fresh and stimulated. I feel like I'm growing and challenging myself all the time.

I like to make all kinds of shows and films, whether it's fantasy or big-popcorn, big-screen escapism or dramas based on real events.

Unlike the twisters he famously chased in the movies, Bill Paxton was the kind of force of nature you ran toward and never away from.

I think the most important thing really was that you could take very personal ideas and present them to an audience in entertaining ways.

3-D is a truly exciting possibility. Whether that's going to be something that sustains our interest, I'm not certain, but I think it will.

The sooner we become a multi-planet species, the safer the species is, and the stronger the guarantee that we're going to continue to evolve.

When people asked me back then what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said a basketball player, and I meant it. But I loved going to the movies.

It's hard to define change in oneself unless something really dramatic happens, like you give up some vice, fall in love, or something like that.

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