I ran very fast in the wrong direction.

The Internet is the wrong direction for music.

Going in the wrong direction but making really good time

Speed is irrelevant if you are going in the wrong direction.

I'm approaching 70. Unfortunately, from the wrong direction.

Any step away from the cross is a step in the wrong direction.

The direction of this country is going into the wrong direction.

Sin is not a distance, it is a turning of our gaze in the wrong direction.

Withdrawing support from globalization is taking us in the wrong direction.

A one-sided analysis of anything always leads you into the wrong direction.

Whoever says Americas best days are behind it are looking the wrong direction.

Direction is more important than speed. You can go fast in the wrong direction.

The fear of The Lord is a brake that stops you when you're in the wrong direction.

Every time you think a negative thought, it's one step in the wrong direction, for me.

We've been looking outside us for our own peace. We've been looking in the wrong direction.

It's better to go slowly in the right direction than go speeding off in the wrong direction.

If Republicans are going in the wrong direction, I am still willing to stand up against them.

I've done enough of this that I can tell early on if it's going in the wrong direction or not.

I've never felt like I fit in. I always feel like I'm walking in the wrong direction or swimming upstream.

From 1999 to 2003 was the peak of equipment in ski racing. Since then, it's all gone in the wrong direction.

Watching well-meaning authors follow in the footsteps of someone going in the wrong direction breaks my heart.

I know that I am not entitled to anything, and when somebody thinks they are, that's a step in the wrong direction.

I don't shy away from standing up against the president or other people who I think are taking us in the wrong direction.

I believe that our country is going in the wrong direction, and I have a very strong desire to help out in any way that I can.

I'm very mechanical, so if I have one thing that's going in the wrong direction when I'm hitting, it's hard for me to get a hit.

I've become a huge fan of the subway, even though I've gotten lost... well, not lost, but went the wrong direction on the subway a couple of times.

Jesus is my life, my Savior. You've got to be saved by God no matter what you do in life. If you try and go the wrong direction, He will guide you back.

Congress is headed in the wrong direction with this bill which removes any and all incentives from the food industry to improve their products for children.

If somebody is going in the wrong direction, behavioral coaching just helps them get there faster. It doesn't turn the wrong direction into the right direction.

They were involved in a firefight and felt they were surrounded. Whether they escaped from that and were fleeing and went in the wrong direction, we don't know.

When you're growing up, you need to stay around people who are headed in the right direction and stay away from people who will take you in the wrong direction.

On many issues, empathy can pull us in the wrong direction. The outrage that comes from adopting the perspective of a victim can drive an appetite for retribution.

Of course, the world is full of problems. But on the other hand it's important to get the sense... are we generally moving in the right direction or the wrong direction?

I'm a stubborn guy that loses his temper, sometimes driving the station wagon in the wrong direction for hours and hours and never admitting that he's gone the wrong way.

A positive attitude is a choice, like walking to the other side of a street to avoid trouble or making a 180-degree turn when you feel you're heading in the wrong direction.

I didn't start working out until college. But in college I could feel my body changing, and I knew that if I didn't make some changes, I was going to go in the wrong direction.

We have a culture of political corruption in Jefferson City. We have corrupt politicians, well-paid lobbyists and special-interest insiders taking the state in the wrong direction.

Who owns the assets of our Nation? Increasingly, foreign interests own our assets, and we owe them money. No wonder people think our country is headed in the wrong direction. It is.

A lot of people think I'm cynical when I talk about acting. The truth of the matter is, I just don't want someone to get some lame advice that will send them in the wrong direction.

Denying our courts the ability to hear oil-related cases of great consequence to our environment and our economy is completely the wrong direction to protect the rights of Floridians.

Competitiveness that I've had as a player, competitiveness that was pointed in the wrong direction and went over the line. It's obviously something that I needed to work on and address.

The megapixel war in conventional cameras has been a total myth. It's taking us all in the wrong direction. Once a picture goes online, you're throwing away 95 to 98 percent of those pixels.

I'm a total rink rat. I can do the toe loop, the lutz, a flip, and the Scholz. That's one I invented. It's like me - you jump, you rotate in the wrong direction, and you land on the wrong foot.

It's not good if owners of sports teams are talking to sports journalists, bypassing the manager. That goes in the wrong direction wherever it happens. Therefore, I'll refrain from doing this at all.

Basically, in 'American Pie,' things are heading in the wrong direction. It is becoming less ideal, less idyllic. I don't know whether you consider that wrong or right, but it is a morality song in a sense.

Being yourself is what will make you survive through anything. If you make music to please someone, it's the first step in the wrong direction. Always do what you believe in, no matter what people say. Only way to go!

I was headed in the wrong direction. I didn't think I'd make it to 21. My Uncle Chuck saved my life. He was a graphic designer, and he gave me my first sketchbook. In the front, he wrote, 'Wear it like your underwear.'

I don't care what party you belong to or what your background is. If you believe we are headed in the wrong direction, and believe there needs to be a check and balance on the President and Congress, then join my campaign.

Once he had selected the path he was going down he really had to stick with it in a 16 game match. He had to try and hit in the one direction but unfortunately for him - though fortunately for me! - he hit in the wrong direction.

I've learned that I get blocked when my subconscious mind is telling me that I've taken the work in a wrong direction, and that once I start listening to what my subconscious is trying to tell me, I can work out the problem and get moving again.

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