The Yahoo story is still being written.

Yahoo is a company that is very strong in content.

I am incredibly proud to return to the Yahoo board.

I think Yahoo is a great company, with great assets.

Hack Days were initially started for Yahoo employees.

Search is essential to every service that Yahoo offers.

Yahoo!, over the years, had been the king of the banner ad.

Yahoo is a great company, and anyone should be proud to be CEO.

I think that for me, it's God, family and Yahoo - in that order.

The time has come for me to pursue other interests outside of Yahoo.

Asia has been by all accounts an incredible investment made by Yahoo.

I want Yahoo to be the absolute best place to work, to have a fantastic culture.

Yahoo would benefit from going private or becoming part of a larger corporation.

The Internet and Yahoo are firmly established as 'must buys' for brand advertising.

I am extremely passionate about digital media and as a longtime user and fan of Yahoo!

Most people know that there is this partnership between Yahoo and Microsoft on search.

Internet advertising security and the fight against malware is a top priority for Yahoo.

I don't think Yahoo can be Facebook tomorrow, and don't think Yahoo wants to be Facebook.

Delivering compelling premium experiences across screens is core to our mission at Yahoo.

The Internet is a powerful way to make lots of money... But we are not going to buy Yahoo!

Things are bad in 2001 at Yahoo. There's been layoffs, restructuring, lots of people left.

Yahoo is all about content. Deep reservoirs of important content in many, many strong areas.

Yahoo! is the only company with both scale and leadership in branded and search advertising.

Very few companies can perform at scale over the course of decades, and Yahoo has done that.

I truly believe that Yahoo! is one of the most compelling and dominant companies in the world.

In market valuation, Yahoo is worth about as much Walt Disney and the News Corporation combined.

It's the scale that Yahoo brings - and that user base - that I really want to build products for.

Yahoo! is dedicated to promoting community awareness through outreach, education and information access.

What we're trying to do at Yahoo is build our products so they're safe and trustworthy, not just secure.

I remember, when I was in college, an anonymous donor gave Stanford students a year of 'Yahoo Music Engine'.

Of all the big Internet companies, Yahoo is the most highly valued on a price-earnings and price-sales basis.

Unfortunately, because of the breadth of what Yahoo does, they sort of became mediocre in so many properties.

Yahoo is free, it's fast and it's Web-centric. AOL is slow, it costs money and requires proprietary software.

Yahoo! is committed to building the richest set of premium and personalized content experiences for our users.

Certainly Yahoo! wouldn't exist without the sort of environment that Stanford gave us to allow us to create it.

When I came to Yahoo! in 2012, I came because I really wanted to work hard. I thought it was a great challenge.

Anyone unhappy with Google can use other search engines - including DuckDuckGo and Blekko, along with Bing or Yahoo.

Back when 'social' had a broad definition, you could almost say that Yahoo Finance chat was the first social product.

The thing that surprised me and really puzzled me is that the job is really fun. Yahoo is a really fun place to work.

When I worked at Yahoo, I saw a lot of acquisitions. Some succeeded, and some failed. I think I have learned from that.

Frankly, it's never really been replicated in the history of the Internet what Yahoo has done in the areas it's done it.

I said from the very beginning, 'Yahoo should position itself as a technology innovation company, not as a media company.'

People are going to copy your product if you build great stuff. Just because Yahoo has a search box doesn't make it Google.

It turns out a human being in two, three or four hours can build a search result that's much better than Google, Yahoo or Ask.

People sometimes forget how early Flickr came. Facebook didn't add photo sharing till a year after Flickr was acquired by Yahoo.

Yahoo is in everything from pets to old people to finance to communications to e-commerce and more, and I really thrive on that.

By turning every Yahoo search box into a Bing box, Microsoft may have bought itself the exposure it needs to be the next Google.

I think Yahoo has been doing so many things well for so long and, frankly, got a little trapped in, I think, 'Oh, what is Yahoo?'

I have spent my career building and improving secure, trustworthy systems, and I am very proud to be working on security at Yahoo.

Not only does Yahoo! have a unique franchise, it increasingly has industry-leading tools, technology and, most importantly, people.

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